我可以为老年人做点什么英文 我能为老人做些什么(英文)


翻译成英语 年轻人能够为老年人做很多事情 do a lot forcouldn't go out希望能帮到你。你的及时采纳,是我答题的动力。能为老人做点事,是多么愉快的事情,以后我会常来英语怎么写 能为老人做点事,是多么愉快的事情,以后我会常来翻译英文为;Can do something for the elderly,is how happy things,I will often come later写一篇关于怎样帮助老人60词的英语作文 My neighbor is a lonely elderly我的邻居是一个孤寡老人In life,I have tried to give my best to help him在生活上,我都尽量给予他我力所能及的帮助For example,the laundry,sweeping,cooking,etc.比如,洗衣,扫地,做饭等In fact,the most elderly of a fifty years old事实上,最为一个年过半百的老人best hope is that other people care最希望的是得到别人的关心So,I hope that not noly care in their daily lives所以,我希望不仅仅是关注与他们的生活方面,but also emotionally,we can care what they want在感情上,也能得到别人的关怀.Therefore,to regularly communicate with old people is the most important因此,要经常与老人沟通是最重要的.To do listening and speaking,要做到多听,多说,For the elderly to he most comprehensive care给予老人最全面的关爱.打了好久,可能有个别的那个语序不当,我也是先写一个文章,再自己翻译的英语 When getting old,people can meet many difficulties in their everyday life.Common problems for senior citizens are poor health,inconvenient public facilities,and loneliness.Young people can do a lot of.我们能为老人做点什么? 经常回家看看,老人只想见见子女。这是他们最大愿望。其他都是次要的您可以为这位老人让点地方怎么说英语 make/spare room for.我们能为老人单独外出做些什么,人到了老年行动迟缓,反应也不像年轻人一样,特别是岁数大的老年人外出,很容易出现一些意想不到的事情,作为儿女我们该怎样孝敬老人,在。


