“请问您能帮我一下吗?”用英语怎么说? 我给您问一下英语


我想问一下用英语怎么表达以下几个意思 首先要说的是语言是活的.表达同一个意思在不同的句子里可以用不同的词语下面给点例子:一、最起码…He was content with a minimum of comfort.他满足于最起码的舒适.Well,at least let me take one of them.那,最.

英语翻译 Thank you for your support,because your feedback and our performance appraisal is linked to,I would like to take the liberty to ask last time we had the data submitted do not know the current situatio.

英语翻译 你说不是喜欢的人,但写的这段汉语可是挺暧昧的,你到底是想不想让你的老师多想啊?只能提供两个版本了,你选一下吧,或者综合折中处理一下,前一个比较客气,后一个比较暧昧:May I know whether you will have time this evening?I was thinking of taking a walk with you.I'm sorry to suggest this(nervously)since I know you are always very busy,but I admire you.Are you free this evening?I'd love to go for a walk with you.I know you are busy and I'm sorry to ask you out(boldly but nervously),but I love you.


“请问您能帮我一下吗?”用英语怎么说? “请问您能帮我一下吗?Could you please help me?Could you be so kind as to help me?Could you be kind enough to help me?Could you do me a favor?Would you please 。

“请问您能帮我一下吗?”用英语怎么说? 我给您问一下英语

英语翻译 ① 请给我收据,另外问一下,这个收据我可以用来报销的是吧.Can I get a receipt,thanks。Also,I can use this receipt to get a reimbursement right?报销是 reimbursement 不是 refund、② 我可以付现金吗,如果不.


