英语作文 我的家乡 关于你对郑州的看法英语作文


考BEC需要准备些什么?有哪些资料可以参考? 1.23更新 bec h已过。11.15刚考完bec h,在校备考两个月,感慨,愿分享。过了英语专四和雅思,然后。真题解析视频 http:// pan.baidu.com/s/1skGSBz J 新东方口语全集 http。

急求一篇英语作文 假如你是李华,你的美国笔友Tom来信想了解一些关于郑州世纪欢乐园的情况,请用英语写一篇100词左右的英语作文 Dear TomI am very happy to receive your letter.I am fine these days but a bit busy.I am always busy with my study and there are lots of homework to do every day.I work hard and I am interested in all.

英语作文 我的家乡 关于你对郑州的看法英语作文

有人清楚跟谁学高途课堂辅导老师的工作到底怎么样吗? 薪资待遇是不是真像它校招宣传的那么好?我拿到offer了还没签协议,希望了解的小伙伴能给点建议,谢谢!

关于假期旅游的英语作文 The five one day is coming.I have made a plan for it.I am going to Beijing with my parents.Because there are many places of interest.First we want to visit the Great Wall,which is considered one of the seven wonders in the world.Second we want to visit the summer palace,where lived many emperors during the hot days.Then we want to visit the Water Cube,where many important events are held.Finally we want to visit hutong to get a knowledge of the culture of old Beijing.I think this trip must be very interesting and we will have a good time.五一节要到了,我已经定了一个计划,我和我的父母去北京,因为那有很多62616964757a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333332613738名胜古迹。首先我们要去长城,它被认为是世界七大奇观之一。第二我们要参观颐和园,许多帝王避暑的地方。然后我们去水立方,很多重大的体育比赛都在那举行。最后我们要去参观胡同 去了解一下老北京的文化。我想这次旅行一定很有趣,所以我们一定会玩得很高兴。

你对地铁有什么期待?英语作文 答案:Great Influence of a TeacherA retired teacher received a letter of thankfulness from a young woman who was once his student.The woman became interested and successful in math because of the teac.


