你在干什么的英文 “你在干什么2113”的英文是:“What are you doing.”【例句】1,What are you doing?How can you see?你在干5261什么,你怎么能看得见?2,What are you doing now?这会儿4102你在干什么?3,Nelson:Hey,hey,what are you doing?尼尔森:嘿,1653嘿,你在干什么?【短语】1,What course are you doing 你学什么专业2,what fuck are you doing 正在翻译3,what what are you doing 精品备课资料包4,so what are you doing 你做什么呢;那么什么是你在干什么;所以你在做什么5,What are you doing summer 暑假你在做什么6,Ask what are you doing 问你在忙什么呢7,What are you doing baby 宝宝你在干什么;宝贝8,What are you doing Saturday 星期六你做什么9,What are you doing beauties 翻译公司在干什么英语作文:你在昨天干了什么(非常紧急) Yastarday,was very happy.First|helped my mom do housework.Next|did my homework.Then|played basketball with my friends.We were happy.After that|went to a movie with my parents.It was an inte.翻译一下撒 What were you doing when a storm came?When a storm comes,I am in the library.I was busy looking for an umbrella that didn't see the car.I was waiting for a bus,suddenly began to rain.I ran to the station,but I missed the bus.At the time I was in the kitchen to help his mother.I could hear the wind outside my house.No outside light,like the midnight.My mother was cooking,when the rain started banging on the window with.Under such severe in the storm outside is very difficult to have a happy.英语翻译 A:Oh。Shit。look at this water。who?B:It's me.so what?i 'm on purpose.do you want to fight me,sissy?A:Get your pay。什么用英文怎么说 英语翻译 Little Borbert asked his mother for two pennies.\"How did you spend the money I gave you yesterday?I gave it to a poor old lady,\"he answered.\"What a good kid.\"his mother said proudly.\"I will give y.你要干什么英语 What are you doing?What do you want to do?英语翻译 Artificial dusting:Or does the starch thin the pollen and the clean non-impurity talcum powder according to 1∶10~20 the proportion,after intensive mixing even,loads in the gauze cloth sack,fixes the.没干什么英语怎么说 没干什么:haven't done anything.我们没干什么.我们甚至没出去.We're not doing anything.We're not even out.你在做什么用英语怎么说 有几zhidao个说法,都可以表示这个1WHATAREYOUDOING这当然是最最简单的了2在网上聊天的时候,有人专会问你WHATAREYOUUPTONOW?UPTO的意思就是在做什么,有人会回答,HAVINIGACHILL,CHILL的意思就是休息望采纳我的答案,最多属字的啊
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