英语翻译 1这是一次愉快的经历.t his is a happy experience.2他在这么一个雨夜突然 出现,让我觉得很惊讶.that he appear suddenly in a rainy night maks me surprised.3成功来自许多次的失败.success is come form man.英语翻译 第一句翻译“那时”表明是过去时态 所以整句都要用过去式首先 isn't came 这是很明显的语法错误 两个动词怎么可以这样放在一起,不说时态,she go 也是语法错误,she是三单,动词go要用三单形式 come back是回来和来.她的灯关了,她肯定不在家,英语怎样翻译 She must be not at home,as her light is off.有用请采纳。毫无动静,肯定家里没有人。外面肯定很暖和。 两句话分别翻译 毫无动静,肯定家里没有人。Everything_.I_there's_at home.答案:is quiet am sure nobody外面肯定很暖和。It's_and_out there.答案:warm soft英语翻译 My mother is an ordinary mother,she did a great job,just quietly doing for the family\"contribution.\"Mom,I want to say to you when I was sick,who is guarding me in my side,my mother;when I encou.英语翻译 每个人对事物的看法角度或者利益背景都不同,必然会对同一个理念有不同的理解,从而必定会引起各种不同的反应和意见.如女性平等问题,从女性角度,认为这是理所当然的,她们在家庭、工作方面都应该获得公正的待遇.但是从男性角度,就认为这个是不合理的,因为女性的生理特征决定了她不能参与部分男性主导的工作,从这点来说不可能做到平等.雇主认为雇佣女性员工肯定没有男性好,因为女性要生孩子,会影响工作,这就会损害雇主的利益.Everyone has a different point of view looking at things and matters or has different beneficial background.Different understanding towards a same idea is inivitable.From which all sorts of reaction and opinion will emerge,such as the issues of women's equality.From women's point of view,it's only right and proper.They should recieve fair treatments either at home or at work.But from men's point of view,it's unreasonable,because of the females' physiological characteristic,they are unable to do some of the men's works or jobs.From this point,they cannot be equal.Employers positively think that 。\ I don't want to cook because I am alone at home.As you like比较亲密关系的两个人之间用dear我从未去过北京。英语怎么说? 从他们的肯定句可以看出他们的区别:I've never been to Beijing.这个的肯定句是I have been to Beijing.这里to是介词,表示去。意思是 我没有去过北京。I've never been 。英语翻译 1.Some jobs must be done by humanbeing no matter how the computers become universal.2.You can either stay at home or come to our Night.3.I believe you will gain great progress as long as yo.
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