我们将要讨论学英语的好方法的英文 请英语高手帮把下面中文句子翻译成英文. 会议时间是周三三点三十到四点三十.地点是在高三六班教室.


听歌学英语,是一种高效率的英语学习方式吗? 大家可能平时都爱听英文歌,但真正能听进去多少,学到多少呢?可能很多英文歌旋律响起的时候你都能跟着哼…

英语作文:我如何学习英语 带翻译 How to learn First,you should speak in class.首先,你应该在2113课堂上说英语。After class,talk to your class in as you can.课后,与5261你的同学们谈4102话尽量用英语。You can ask help for your teacher and class if you not uderstand.当你1653在不懂时可以向你的同学和老师寻求帮助。You should write dow grammer mistakes and write down the correct spelling or the grammer next to the mistakes.你应该记下你语法错误并且改正在错误的旁边。You should listen to the radio or read newspaper for your listening and seeing.你应该多听广播或是看报来帮助你的听力开拓你的视野。Try to remenber 1-5 words every day,then you can lean well day by day.尝试每天记1-5个单词,这样你的英语会一天天地学得很好。

我们将要讨论一下学英语的最好方法 学英语首先从单词入手 运用身边的一切理解记忆 多记单词一定会有用的!然后就是语感 多读有关英语的书籍!加油!

学习英语的最系统的方法是什么? 笔试 口语应用方面 (奶爸删回答了。不过还好,豆瓣上的都在) 1.关于英语学习的理论 英文教学之困境 常见英文学习观念误区 今天你被英语思维了吗?漏屋的系列长文整理总结。

写一篇从听说读写四个方面如何学习英语的短文。用英文、最好有中文翻译。 We have many ways to learn English.Now some useful methods will be introduced.The first one is listening.When we want to chat with a foreigner,if we couldn't understand what he said,we cannot chat with him.So we must practice our listening in everyday life.Such as listening to songs and watching movies and TV programmes.We should insist on listening everyday then we will make progross.Secondly,we should practice speaking English.For example,we can join the Corner to make friends and practice with them.The most important point is don't be shy.We can also imitate other people's words in movies.Thirdly,reading books.We can read newspaper and magazines daily.That's a good way to know the latest news and improve our understanding of English.Also,we can read stories we are interested in.Fourthly,writing.Writing is a good way to test your level.Wring diaries can help us increase our aoplication 。

请英语高手帮把下面中文句子翻译成英文. 会议时间是周三三点三十到四点三十.地点是在高三六班教室. The meeting time is three to four o 'clock Wednesday 30 30.Site is in senior 3 class six of the classroom.We the activity the subject is learning methods.Activity we please schoolmates discuss learn confusion.In please good introduce the experience of learning.Hope you be sure to come

一篇关于学英语的方法和感受的英语作文 我会中文初中感受 现在已经上学三个月了,记得那站在校门口的我看着校内的环境设施觉得非常的陌生。觉得遥不可及。甚至校门都不敢进。进入了教室,我找了一个空座位坐下。看着窗外,对这里的一切而又充满了好奇。就.

我们将要讨论学英语的好方法的英文 请英语高手帮把下面中文句子翻译成英文. 会议时间是周三三点三十到四点三十.地点是在高三六班教室.

