内部控制 中航油 英语翻译


英语翻译 This article mainly narrated the freight forwarding enterprise internal control is not only related to the accounting,it runs through the whole process of the freight forwarding industry management,strengthen freight forwarding enterprises internal control is particularly important.Accounting as a management activity important component,has the control functions.Strengthen internal control in enterprise can not only improve the information quality,in recent years many freight forwarding companies due to internal control lead to business failure,this article take the internal control theory as a foundation,with in boat oily incident as the research object,on how to make freight forwarding enterprises attach importance to the construction of internal control?How to analyze the freight forwarding enterprise internal control problem and solved reasonably?1.2万

内部控制 中航油 英语翻译

英语翻译 The world passes safely,Germany prosperous,aviation gasoline.,occurs a succession in the domestic and foreign company's bankrupcy case,attracts repeatedly people's vision to the enterprise internal c.

#内部控制中的管理控制主要包括#内部控制 中航油
