芭比其他动画片 我想看芭比蝴蝶公主



《芭比之人鱼公主》这部动画片好看吗? 个人觉得《2113芭比之人鱼公主》这部5261动画片还是挺好看的,动画片画面色彩灿烂又梦4102幻,动画人物生动形象1653,故事生动有趣,故事情节一波三折,环环相扣,很是好看。《芭比之人鱼公主》动画片主要讲述了是芭比仙子为了拯救人鱼王子拿露,芭比爱丽娜放弃了翅膀,化身为美人鱼,拥有一条美丽的粉色的尾巴,也巧夺回了试图毁灭人鱼王国和梦幻仙境的毒药,破坏了露维娜的阴谋,最后爱丽娜吃了一颗还原真我的浆果,恢复了原形的故事。《芭比公主之人鱼公主》这部动画片很好看,芭比系列的动画片都很好看。比如说长发公主,真假公主,蝴蝶仙子,花仙子等等。看了一部还想看第二部。随时我已经不是小孩了,但是我觉得看动画片不是小孩的专利,大朋友也可以看的。动画片这个东西,不同年龄段的人看会有不同的感觉。

芭比其他动画片 我想看芭比蝴蝶公主


芭比其他动画片 芭比之蝴蝶仙子》,《芭比之钻石城堡〉〉蝴蝶仙子芭比网站上有:www.barbie.com钻石城堡是即将推出的,已经有预告了:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0A5BC_dZYTI简介:Far away,in a land of music and magic,live two beautiful girls.Liana and Alexa(Barbie and Teresa)are best friends who share everything-especially their love of singing.One day,while walking through the forest,the girls find a magical mirror.As they clean the mirror and sing,something amazing happens。A girl named Melody appears in the mirror's surface.Melody tells the girls about the secret of the Diamond Castle.The Diamond Castle,Melody explains,is the home of all music,where three musical muses once resided-until one evil muse,Lydia,tried to take the castle for herself.In an act of safekeeping the other two muses entrusted the key of the Diamond Castle to Melody.And to keep the key safe from Lydia,Melody hid herself in the mirror.But now she can't get out.She needs Liana's and Alexa's help to free her from the mirror 。

