虚度光阴英语怎么说 英语:“浪费时间”“虚度光阴”“无所事事”怎么表达?


不要虚度光阴 翻译成英语 Don't sleep your life awayDon't dream away your time混日子,虚度光阴sleep one's life away虚度光阴dreamt away my time;frig about

英语:“浪费时间”“虚度光阴”“无所事事”怎么表达? 1.a waste of time(注意:waste是名2113词)2.idle away one's time例句:52614102My father scolded me,saying I shouldn't idle my time away.我父亲训1653斥我,说我不该浪费时版间。3.have nothing to do/sit around例句:Some people are sitting around while others are doing all the work.有些人坐着无权所事事,而另一些人却在干所有的工作。

英文翻译啊。 Don't dream away your time.I would like to check out.The road divides here.Make yourself at home.Loe me,love my dog.It is going to far.You set me up。

“为了你的梦想,请你不要虚度光阴”用英语怎么翻译? Please don't waste your time for your dream.e希望帮到你~

我想和你虚度光阴怎么翻译成英语? I am willing to spend time with you,even in vain.

人生最可悲的事情,莫过于胸怀大志,却又虚度光阴用英语怎么说 人生最可悲的事情,莫过于胸怀大志,却又虚度光阴The most sad thing in life,is ambitious,and wasted my time

我一直在虚度光阴 用英文怎么说 I'm always lounging.若有疑问,欢迎追问.

虚度光阴英语怎么说 英语:“浪费时间”“虚度光阴”“无所事事”怎么表达?

英语翻译 就是说有一个人热爱围棋,满脑子都是驰骋棋盘,都是如何战败对手.等到棋终人散,感悟棋盘的方寸之间正如人生的沉浮得失.

只希望没有虚度光阴。 用英语怎么说? Only Only hope that there is no wasted time. just hope I didn't waste time. I hope it's worth the time 1.不要虚度光阴。Don't idle away your time.2。.


