翻译英文 1 You can seize the chance if you were well-prepared.2 The old professer is looking foward to going back to the motherland earlly.3 None of us has predicted the thing.4 The students should hang on their essays before Sep.15 Wo all wish that we'll pass the driving exams tomorrow.
英语翻译 1.很难预料这件事将如何发生.(It+be+adj.+to do.)It's very difficult to predict how this will happen.2.我宁愿你没有告诉我这件事.(would rather)I would rather you hadn't told me this.3.如果你昨天努力工作.
用定语从句造句:1:他通过了考试,这是我们没有预料到的。2:我们站在山顶上,从那儿我们可以看到美丽的景色。3:我出生的日子是很特别的一天。 He passed the exam which we did not anticipate.他通过了考试,这是我们没有预料到的.We stood on top of the Hill where we can see the beautiful view 我们站在山顶上,。
魔卡小樱中最后一集艾柳尔说:“我也有没有预料到的事。”那到底是什么? 就是漫画要拖到什么时候是个未之数
英语翻译 1.It is that tree that saved their lives in the flood2.We cannot imagine what exists on that far-away planet.或 It is beyond our imagination that what exists in that distant star3.He was late again th.
没有预料到是什么成语 出乎意料。【解释】:2113指出人意料。5261【出自】:毛泽东《发刊词》:“4102准备对付可能的突然1653事变,使党和革命不在可能的突然事变中遭受出乎意料的损失。【示例】:老朋友劝他出去一下调理也好,~的是学校竟然不准。吴晗《清华杂议》【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、定语、状语;指意想不到【近义词】出乎意外、始料不及、出乎预料、出人意表、出人意料、出其不意、突出其来、不期而然、突如其来扩展资料反义词:不出所料。【解释】:事由变化,在预料之中。形容原先预料的准确。【出自】:清·曾朴《孽海花》第十回:“见你不在,我就猜着到这里来了,所以一直赶来,果然不出所料。【示例】:“果然~,”这样的一念闪过校长先生的心头。叶圣陶《一篇宣言》【语法】:动宾式;作谓语;用于人对事物的推测【近义词】果不其然、料事如神
英语翻译 Most people pursue wealth,while all the people pursue happiness.Things is going in the way we presuppose.What surprise us is that he and his brother shares almost no common ground.