英语翻译 人生新的一页英语翻译


英语翻译 人生是一场无结果的试验.因为无结果,所以怎样试验都无妨.也因为无结果,所以怎样试验都不踏实.Life is an experiment going nowhere.Since it goes nowhere,it is alright however you deal with it,although meanwhi.

英语翻译 我的翻译:Life is like doing a piece of artwork,once start,no rework.Therefore,do the right thing lest you regret,if you want every second to be meaningful.

英语翻译 We seek for eternity during one after another change in life and we also seek for a new start when we are rushing about continuously.We still have our own sky after we walk out.

英语翻译 1.他人生中的事业颠峰时期已经过去了,His peak period of his life has already passed.He has already passed his peak time in his life.2.这两件作品是他的颠峰之做These two works are the pinnacle of his creations.These two works are the best of his creations.

英语翻译 人生新的一页英语翻译

英语翻译一句话 没什么,感叹人生而已Nothing serious,(I am)just exclaiming something over my life.或者Nothing big,(I)just wanna draw some plaint towards my life.

英语翻译 1 people walking around with special purchases.2 street decorations,be permeated with the gaiety of the occasion.Three people by SMS,E-mail,etc to relatives greeting.Four New Year started,we want to write a new chapter,a new career achievement.

英语翻译 逐字推敲,还望采纳Today it is my turn to give a speech,i hope everyone can enjoy it.First,who want this 1yuan note?And how about this 100yuan note?The speech tells us,you might be knocked down by.

英语翻译 Not a success for heroism 不以成败论英雄Participants who emir,losers bandits 成者王侯败者寇no text first,second without weapons 文无第一,武无第二In the arena of life,as long as my conscience acclamation,even if the whole world ultimately does not matter.在人生的舞台上,只要自己的良心鼓掌了,哪怕整个世界喝倒彩都无所谓


