写英语作文:关于你家乡最著名的传统艺术是什么 A blackout It was a very busy evening,I was doing my homework at my home.My father was writing a composition in the study room.My mother was interested in Shanghai opera.She was watching a Shanghai op.一篇介绍我的家乡四川的英语作文,要跟旅游挂钩,200-300字, In the midwest of China,there is a small county,called Hongya.It stand in the southwest of Sicuan province.It's a place where contains abundant natural resources.Its terrain is extremely complicated,which consists of hills,mountains,valleys and dams.My hometown has a far-reaching history,especially in agriculture,which happens to be the main source of the income of the local people.Besides,the dairy products processing industry is highly-advanced among the whole nation.My hometown is a habitat of Minor ethnic group.We can live together harmoniously putting aside the national prejudice and discrimination.Therefore,we help each other once any member of the big families is in trouble.Any disasters in my hometown deserves our mutual concerns.英语作文;关于自己的家乡自贡。 Zigong Dinosaur Museum,9 km northeast of the center of Zigong,Sichuan,is a large museum which has been built at the world-famous Dashanpu Dinosaur Fauna.It is also the first professional dinosaur museum in China and one of the three largest dinosaur museums with burial site in the world.Covering an area of over 66,000 square meters,Zigong Dinosaur Museum has a collection of fossil specimens almost including all the known dinosaur species in the Jurassic of 205-135 million years ago.It was regarded as“the best dinosaur museum in the world”by American Global Geography Magazine.Started to build in April,1984,Zigong Dinosaur Museum was opened to the public in the Spring Festival of 1987.For its wide-distributed reputation both in China and in the world,until now,Zigong Dinosaur Museum has accepted visitors approximately 7 million person times and acquired great reputation.Tens of leaders of China,such as,Hu Jintao,Qiao Shi,Zhang Aiping,Wan Li,Li Tieying and He nuli,as well as many 。介绍自贡英语短文 自贡是天府之国的一颗璀璨明珠,为四川省最早的省辖市和工业重镇之一。具有两千年的盐业历史和60年建市史,恐龙化石、井盐和灯会被称为自贡的“大三绝”,\"小三绝\"是龚扇、扎染和剪纸,素以“千年盐都”、“恐龙之乡”、“南国灯城”等美誉而蜚声中外。清朝中叶以来,自贡一直是中国井盐生产的中心,如今已发展成为以盐业化工、机电、纺织、轻工、食品、新型建材等为支柱产业的中等工业城市,同时也是国家级历史文化名城、对外开放城市、全国卫生城市、四川省级风景名胜区和世界地质公园。Zigong is a shining pearl of the land of abundance,for the first of Sichuan Province,one of the cities and industrial centers.Two thousand years with the salt industry and the history of 60 years to build the history of the city,dinosaur fossils,and Well Salt Zigong,known as the Lantern Festival\"Sanjue\"and\"small Sanjue\"Gong is a fan,tie-dye and paper-cutting,are renowned for their\"Millennium salt\"\"Dinosaur town\",\"southern city of light\"and reputation as a world-renowned Chinese and foreign.Since the middle of the Qing Dynasty,China 。介绍自贡特色的英语作文 自贡市是四川省的一个市,享有“千年盐都”,“恐龙之乡“,”南国灯城”,“美食之府”之美誉。历史上曾产井盐,是中国最早富庶的城市之一。自贡市是世界上最早开发和利用。保护自贡环境的英语作文 Zigong City is a municipality in Sichuan Province.It enjoys the reputation of\"City of Salt of the Millennium\",\"Home of Dinosaurs\",\"Lantern City of South China\"and\"House of Food\".Salt was produced well in history and is one of the earliest prosperous cities in China.Zigong City is the first place in the world to develop and utilize natural gas and is the earliest industrial center in Sichuan Province.It is also a production base for high-quality commercial grains and pigs in China.介绍自贡的英语作文80词左右带翻译 When I grow up,I'm going to do what I want to do.I'm going to move somewhere interesting.Paris sounds like a city that I could that enjoy.There are lots of art exhibitions there.I want to be an artist.So how am I going to do it First,I'mgoing to find a part-time job for a year or tow and save some money.Then I'm going to be a student at an art school in Paris.当我长大,我会去做我想做的事情。我打算搬到一个有趣的地方。巴黎一定是我喜欢的地方。那里有许多展览会。我想当一位艺术家。那我要怎么做呢?首先,我要做1-2年的兼职来攒钱。然后我就去巴黎学艺术追问:怎么没题目?回答:when I grow up当我长大了考场救急~急求这样一篇英语作文。 My hometownZiGong is lying near XiZhi river,there are beautiful surroundings,and it is appropriate for people to live.At 21 century,the economic growth pretty quickiy,these years,have built a number o.介绍自贡一日游的英语作文 一、作文要学会积累“读书破万卷,下笔如有神”,“巧妇难为无米之炊”古人这些总结,从正反两方面说明了“积累”在写作中的重要性.“平时靠积累,考场凭发挥”,这是考场学子的共同体会.(一)语言方面要建立“语汇库”.语汇是文章的细胞.广义的语汇,不仅指词、短语的总汇,还包括句子、句群.建立“语汇库”途径有二:第一是阅读.平时要广泛阅读书籍、报刊,并做好读书笔记,把一些优美的词语、句子、语段摘录在特定的本子上,也可以制作读书卡片上.第二是生活.平时要捕捉大众口语中鲜活的语言,并把这些语言记在随身带的小本子或卡片上,这样日积月累、集腋成裘,说话 就能出口成章,作文就会妙笔生花.(二)要加强材料方面的积累.材料是文章的血肉.许多学生由于平时不注意积累素材
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