你能载我一程吗英文 英语翻译


英语翻译 楼上回答很好了 不过第二个.give me a ridenot until(直到.才)give me a lifthave to

“你能捎我一程吗?\ can you give me a ride?

\ Can you give me a ride?你要问几遍啊?这就是标准答案!

\ 翻译如下:载我一程offer me a lift.或give me a lift都可以。例句:她会说和我同路,可以载我一程。She would say she was going my way and offer me a lift.

Can you give me a lift? give sb a lift就是搭车的意思,这是固定搭配,很难说give是什么意思.

将下列句子翻译成英文:① 你去哪?要我载你一程吗?②我的闹钟没响,所以我睡过头了。 ③我们正要去打球,这时Mike来叫我们去看电影。 1.Where are you going?Shall I give you a lif?2.My alarm clock didn't go off.I overslept.3.We were going to play ball when Mike came asking us to see the film.

你能载我一程吗英文 英语翻译

\ Give me a ride.Give me a lift.

“你能捎我一程吗?\ Can you give me a lift?能载我不?Drop me off in(后面跟地点)在哪让我下车。

1你能载我一程吗?2这本书创作于1957年,写的是一个真实的故事.用英语怎么说 1,Can you give me a ride?2,This book was created in 1957,which was about a real story.在年份之前要用in,在年代之前用in,但用法不同.例:in 2003 在2003年in the 1980s 在二十世纪八十年代

英语翻译 Could you please give me ride/drive?


