basic information是什么意思 basic information译为基本信息<;br>;例句:双语英语1.The default help provides basic information.默认的帮助只提供基本的信息。br>;2.Article 18 the issuer 。
离岸账户中的SCR控制人登记通俗点讲是什么意思? SCR控制人登记什么意思 您好,很高兴回答您的问题。重要控制人登记册(Significant Controllers Register)简称SCR。自2018年3月1日起,应香港公司条例新规要求,所有香港。
金融机构开展客户洗钱风险等级分类管理工作的原则是什么? 不知道你说的原则指的是什么意思,感觉是一个填空题呢,还是整个在问客户洗钱风险等级分类管理工作的依据…
英语翻译 Use of water temperature controller MCU Abstract:The water temperature controller is a typical detection and control of applications,it requires to complete the water temperature detection systems,sig.
翻译成英语,谢谢 ?1 equipment downtime rate decreased,major shutdown accident reduction,maintaining good cost control.Tangent plane(cutter)fell 30%in the equipment downtime,doubling the number of cases the actual increase maintenance costs less.2,continue to strengthen the equipment maintenance personnel training,enhance judgment,efforts to control device with a fault repeated repair and the reduction of human failure.3 through mutual communication and discuss,make individual and team skills improve.
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英语翻译 The hotel engineering capacity preparing 42 people,now the actual job employees 32 people,including weak and run team 11(missing four),another comprehensive maintenance team including carpentry,painting,masonry,machine repair,electrical and other 22 people(missing 6)implement four classes of three running.Since the job market is difficult to recruit suitable staff,because a wide range of hotel-scale,multi-regional support functions,the actual workload and other reasons,many preventive maintenance,repair and renovation work part of the facilities and equipment not fully follow up on time completed.Hotel facilities and equipment in order to ensure good operating condition and normal operations,reduce some facilities and equipment due to failure without timely maintenance or repair damage caused by increased service life and reduced maintenance costs.After an internal consulting his staff,to be part of the staff through voluntary overtime four days each way to increase the monthly 。