到明年年底用英语咋说大神们帮帮忙 明年年底的英文


英语翻译 1.明年年底(by the end of next year)年底他们将在加拿大定居下来(settle down).所以他们正忙着学英语.By the end of next year,they will have settled down in Canada,so they are busy learning English2.他一.

英语翻译 1 这项工程将在明年年底竣工The project will have finished by the end of next year.2 他命令我明天一早六点准时出发He ordered mine start at 6:am tomorrow.3 他支持他妻子辞职,让他的朋友十分失望His support of his wife’s resign put his friends down.4 今天的训练让我们大家都筋疲力尽Today’s training exhausting all of us.5 持续下了几天的雨,郊区的道路路况极差The roads of suburbs are not very smooth,for it has been raining a few days.6 没有人养家,他不得不退学,去谋生养家Without the support from family,he has to drop out and earn the family bread.7 大家都知道他和他的上司关系很好.It is known that he has a good relationship with his boss.

请教个英语问题 到明年年底,他们已建了50幢大楼了By the end of next year,they“will”have built 50 buildings(是have 不是has)到2010年底,我将教了30年的英语By the end of 2010,I“will”have taught for 30 years.这里都必须用will,不是因为有了个将字.都是在讲述future,或者是一个假设,或一个预定,不能没有will.学一种语言最好别从翻译学起,这样很容易用另一种语言的语法去写或用.就像中文无法用英文的语法解释或翻译一样.英文也是.每个语言都有自己的语法.特别是中文和英文,本身是完全不一样的.

报上说这项工程明年年底会结束的英语翻译. 翻译:“The newspaper said the project would be finished by the end of next year”

到明年年底用英语咋说大神们帮帮忙 till the end of next year

到明年年底的英文用before before可以和过去完成时连接。下面是具体的内容。你可以从中找到答案。一。过去完成时主要有以下几点用法:1.表示过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成的动作或存在的状态。

英语翻译 1.This new museum will take shape by the end of next year.2.He has based the theory on the fact.3.This combo includes one hamburger and one cola.4.This little girl found a wallet,which including one I.

到明年年底用英语咋说大神们帮帮忙 明年年底的英文

到明年年底的英文用before 用till或until会更自然一点。


