若是你错过我乘坐的那 有一首歌的歌词是若你错过了我搭乘的那班车


请问这首歌叫什么名字 谢谢 是一首英文歌 是这个吧…叫Five Hundred Miles If you miss the train I'm on如果你错过了我乘坐的火车You will know that I am gone你就会知道我已经走了You can hear the whistle blow。假如你是Peter,由于你乘坐的这次航班在飞机起飞前没有广播登机提醒,从而导致你错过了时间,请写一封信向相关官员投诉,词数100 Dear CAA(Civil aeronautics administration)chief(民航局局长)my name is peter,I have some situationand some questions to tell you.why i didnt hear any 。一首英文歌 叫什么名字 是这个吧…2113…叫Five Hundred Miles If you miss the train I'm on如果你错过了我5261乘坐的火车You will know that I am gone你就会知道我已经走了You can hear the whistle blow您可4102以听到1653汽笛的响声A hundred milesA hundred miles a hundred milesA hundred miles a hundred miles100里.You can hear the whistle blow您可以听到汽笛的响声a hundred miles100里.Lord I'm one lord I'm twolord I'm three lord I'm fourLord I'm five hundred milesaway home一、二、三、四,主啊,我已经离家五百里Away home away homeaway home away homeLord I'm five hundred milesaway homeNot a shirt on my backnot a penny to my nameLord I can't go back homethis awayThis away this awaythis away this awayLord I can't go back home this awayIf you miss the train I'm onYou will know that I am goneYou can hear the whistle blowa hundred miles一首英文歌 叫什么名字 第一句是 if you miss the train i'm on其中有 lord,i'm one lord,i'm two.有you can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles拜托~一首英文歌 。谁能给我一个500miles的中文歌词 If you miss the train l'm on,如果你错过了我乘坐的火车 You will know that l am gone 你将知道我已经离开 You can hear the whistle blow 你能听到鸣笛声 A hundred 。火车票买了错过了乘坐可以退票吗?谢邀答案是不能退票的,一旦乘客错过了乘车,就不能退票,只能在2小时到始发站到火车票售票窗口改签。1、对于未及时赶上车的:-退票,火车票。错过了乘坐火车时间,火车票可以退吗? 错过了乘坐火车时间,火车票可以退吗,火车票买了错过了没赶上,怎么办?错过高铁乘坐下一班还要补票吗? 前几天和国外客户一起乘坐从南京到上海的高铁(20:21发),途中没及时赶上,在向站务员询问之后,他们说…


