一旦她到了,我们就可以开始讨论.的英文是什么 We can start to discuss once she arrives.一旦她到了,我们就可以开始讨论。的英文是什么 We can start to discuss once she arrives.希望回答对你有帮助英语翻译 Shall we start our discussion with thequestion arisen from last conference?Given their lack of experience,they have done this job very well.We estimate that it will cost one week to finish this task.You can love a person and not necessarily marry him or her.He said he would stay at office in the afternoon in case you want to meet him.They practise oral at the first opportunity.We long for the early leave of such a cold winter.英语翻译 1、下次你应该早点来这里.You should come here earlier next time.2、你最好不要单独去游泳.You'd better not go swimming by yourself.3、让我们开始讨论这个话题吧.Let's start to talk about the topic.4、这箱.开始的时候我们没有加入他们的讨论的英文 开始的时候我们没有加入他们的讨论We didn't join them at the beginning of the discussion.英语翻译 1.Because of an emergency,the doctor would have no time within a few hours.2.Whether we can from the cause of the problem discussed at the last meeting begin?3.A few years ago his heart still a major surgery.4.Terrorists using violence to achieve their political purpose.5.Scientists have identified the reason causing deformity development.
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