为什么去巴黎旅游的英语作文 打算去巴黎旅行的英文作文


帮忙写一篇去巴黎旅行的英文游记 注意 是英文的 I traveled to Paris with my parents last month.We visit many famous places there such as Eiffel Towel,Louvre Museum and the Triumphal Arch.We also tasted the French cuisine.It is very delicious.And then we spent some days shopping.Paris is a very beautiful city with a cozy atmosphere.I and my parents all like it very much and I want to go there once

写一篇想去巴黎旅游的英语作文 Paris’treasured islands of calm.Cimetièe68a8462616964757a686964616f31333239313437re du Père Lachaise[R-p5]Established in 1805,this necropolis attracts visitors than any similar structure in the world.Within the manicured,evergreen enclosure are the tombs of over one million people including such luminaries as the composer Chopin;the writers Molière,Apollinaire,Oscar Wilde,Balzac,Marcel Proust and Gertrude Stein;the artists David,Delacroix,Pissarro,Seurat and Modigliani;the actors Sarah Bernhardt,Simone Signoret and Yves Montand;the singer édith Piaf;and the dancer Isadora Duncan.The most visited tomb,however,is that of The Doors lead singer,Jim Morrison,who died in Paris in 1971.One hundred years earlier,the cemetery was the site of a fierce battle between Communard insurgents and government troops.The rebels were eventually rounded up against a wall and shot,and were buried where they fell in a mass grave.

为什么去巴黎旅游的英语作文 打算去巴黎旅行的英文作文

英语作文,和父母去巴黎,看艾菲尔,平法国美食文化的旅行计划 您好:Travel To Paris Lsat year I went to Paris,the capital of French,with my parents.This was my first time to go aboard and we really had a wonderful time 。

为什么去巴黎旅游的英语作文 你说的是 出去的动机吧 你可以自己写一个你自己的在要别人去翻译。N多中介做这个的哦~

写一篇想去巴黎旅游的英语作文 法国是我最向往的地方,2113这里有着高耸入云的5261铁塔,宏伟壮阔的巴黎圣4102母院,迷人1653的小镇,优美的街道…在我看来,法国的一切,都像是一幅精美的油画一样,来到了法国,铁塔是我旅游的第一个去处。它被喻为“云中牧女”,是1889年建在法国巴黎战神广场上的镂空结构铁塔,高320米。由于铁塔设计离奇独特,因而成为法国和巴黎的一个重要景点和突出标志。当我登上这个高达300多米的铁塔时,我仿佛置身于云层之中,一片片洁白的云朵从我身边飘过,好像白纱一般。傍晚时分,这里夜色如画,繁灯似锦,那些交织如网的街灯,如明亮的繁星一般,闪烁着绚丽的光芒。整个巴黎都被点亮了,闪耀着斑斓绚丽的光辉!霎时间,嘈杂的巴黎一下子安静了下来。全巴黎尽在我的脚下,真是“会当凌铁塔,一览巴黎小呀!在法国游的第二站,我便会来到一个典雅迷人的小镇—戛纳.戛纳依偎在青山脚下,地中海之滨。白色的楼房、蓝色的大海,及一排排高大翠绿的成了这里特有的景色,使这里构成一派绚丽的南国风光。难怪人们把授予最佳影片的大奖起名为呢!金色的沙滩上荡漾着清澈的海水,海风柔和的吹拂着,使这里看起来是那样的小巧精致。我漫步在海滩上,陶醉在这美丽的景色之。


