蛙呜蒲草下 鱼入稻花中 这是什么鸟



急!帮忙翻译一段演讲稿 I would like to introduce my homeland.There are a lot of beautiful natural landscape.Xianghai Nature Reserve is a world-renowned wetlands,has 293 kinds of birds.A total of 15 kinds of cranes all over the world to the sea on six kinds of accounts,the world's only just over 1500 to protect rare birds and one type of red-crowned cranes,there is only than 60 lives here.In the county southwest of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,bordering with the place,rolling sand dunes on the growth of many hundred natural 10000 Apricot Hill.Tongyu have one in the north-west Mongolia,Asia's largest Huang Yulin.Ancient elm tree which nearly 400 years of history.Its high of about 13 m,crown diameter of 18 meters.Tongyu can also go to the Yu-yang Dianzuo reed go play swing.10,000 ares where reed蒲草,are fish,frogs,ducks paradise.Windmills in the Northeast are a unique landscape.Each windmill has three than 30 meters long fan,a total of 49 typhoons cars,and here the original into a 。

蛙鸣蒲草下 鱼入稻花中 这句唐诗见证了我国稻田养鱼的悠久历史。稻鱼共生系统即稻田养鱼,出自:汴路水驿作者:王建晚泊水边驿,柳塘初起风。蛙鸣蒲叶下,鱼入稻花中。去舍已云远,问程犹向东。近来多怨别,不与少年同。

这是什么鸟? 你好,这种鸟叫“大麻鳽”,属于鹭科.大麻鳽栖息于山地丘陵和山脚平原地带的河流、湖泊、池塘边的芦苇丛、草丛和灌丛、水域附近的沼泽和湿草地上。白天隐藏于蒲草苇丛中,黄昏或晚间活动。取食鱼、虾、蛙、蟹、螺、水生昆虫等。希望可以帮到你。

蛙呜蒲草下 鱼入稻花中 这是什么鸟

有知道这是什么鸟吗 黄苇鳽黄苇鳽(学名:Ixobrychus 黄苇鳽黄苇鳽(学名:Ixobrychus sinensis)是鹭科苇鳽属的鸟类,是一种中型涉禽。栖息于平原,和低山丘陵地带富有水边植物的开阔水域中。。

求高人告诉这是什么鸟? 有点像栗苇鳽的亚成鸟。

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#蛙呜蒲草下 鱼入稻花中

