英语翻译 我感觉你按的太着急翻译


英语翻译 I am really glad to receive your email.I thought you wouldn't get back to me so far because I thought you had not completely recovered from hand injury.I regret for what I did.Please do not me until you fully recover from your injury.I enjoy the waiting period.I thank you for your encouragement and help.I try to improve my through communication with you.英语翻译 sometimes,everyone feels tiredi hope you will feel better soonkeeping healthy is the most important/significant大家能快帮我翻译下吗?我太着急了。谢谢哦 2001年7月13日,对于中国,对于北京,真是一个特殊的日子。前两天,就有记者问我,如果这一天在莫斯科的投票我们胜出了,终于获得了2008年奥运会的举办权,你的心情会怎样?我说我当然会很高兴,很激动。如今,好梦成真,我真的很高兴,很激动。其中的原因,除了有我和大家共同的感情之外,还有一点,就是我当过整整十年的体育记者,我曾经采访过1992年巴塞罗那奥运会,和体育、和奥运会有着一份特殊的感情。我亲身体会到,一个国家,一座城市,能够举办一次奥运会,该是一件多么了不起的事情。我很难忘记巴塞罗那奥运会结束的那一天的夜晚,走出蒙椎克体育场,沿蜿蜒山路下山,来到蒙椎克山脚那巨大的喷水池旁,看水花四溅,飞扬起冲天的水柱,在夜灯映照中流光溢彩。我猛然听到随水柱飞扬起奥运会嘹亮的会歌旋律,真是感动不已,忽然觉得那一瞬间旋律如水般清澈圣洁,沁透新脾。我知道那是只有体育才迸发的旋律,是体育才具有的魅力,是体育才能给予我的情感。我发现几乎所有的人都和我一样,在那飞迸的泉水和旋律面前停住了脚步,禁不住抬起头来望着那透明的水柱和星光灿烂的夜空。我的心中产生一种从来没有过的感觉:一个国家,一座城市,能够举办一次奥运会,会使得这个。英语翻译 My mother pays attention to my health very much.补充题There is much time,don't be urgent.I think you should seriously treat your urgent way of life.英语翻译 翻译成:Do not have your information abruptly,what feeling that I feel anxious.To be unable to come to an agreement also a little bit has been,which looks for you you.Because of I know going to neither has been in anger's words a little bit in short supply.This had already punished me not being engaged in abruptly with me disappearing.英语翻译 As our workers are eager to go home at the end of year,part of them might be a little careless to the work.If you are unsatisfied with the quality of some of our goods,please do not hesitate to tell m.英语翻译着急要用 一点要权威. 在英语中“我很着急”怎样翻译 根据语境i am anxious.急于知道i am in a hurry.赶时间i am worried.担心don't love you no more中文翻译?我查了 翻译什么的都有 ` 我想知道最准备的意思? 朋友们打错了太着急了 最准确的意思? 关于英语翻译 由于比较着急所以我在线等 请各位高手速来帮忙 感激不尽 翻得好的话我就加分 !!!! 1楼明显机译,我来手翻一下:1.The Americans would open the gifts as soon as they receive them,admiring or tasting the gifts in the presence of the givers,and express their thanks immediately.While the Chinese would not open them as they think that unpolite.2.The Chinese people are very hospitable,so they would like to pick much food for the guests in dinner.While the Americans have another point of view.They think that over-enthusiasm is uncivilized,and it depends on themselves how much they would eat,besides,overeating is also a very uncivilized behavior.3.The Americans would like to look straight into the eyes of the others during the conversation,in order to show the respect and politeness to them.While the Chinese people think it rude.用心编辑的。希望对你有用。


