英语翻译 这是我们将要结束活动的地方英语


英语翻译 Good is always such a short time,before the end of this event,I proposed that we take this opportunity to warmly applauded for all the guests here to express my sincere thanks。(Applause)once again paid by BASF staff for their hard work in high respect and sincere thanks。Ladies and Gentlemen,here to wish good health and feels the cause,I wish everyone in the future exchanges and cooperation smoothly,and the prospects for corporate customers and a prosperous future.Ladies and gentlemen,this BASF activities for the time being formally come to an end.(Applause)Ladies and Gentlemen,please do not stop the pace,then called upon to continue to visit the booth of BASF,BASF's customer service and look forward to your exchange in the hope that we can understand each other,in order to be able to enjoy in the future BASF even quality products.

英语翻译 这是我们将要结束活动的地方英语

英语翻译 Yes,I join it every times.The meaning of that I will bring the things back when the activity finished,is that I will take the things which you brought back to the company,you just need to go home directly.Now I am booking the ground according to the numbers of persons,the people who want to join will sign up here.So the complexing that the number of the people is much however the ground is not enough will never occur.

英语翻译 你需要多少个款式?How many models/styles of XXX would you like to order?(XXX指产品)每个款式多少数量?What is the order quantity for each model/style?我们的最低起批量是30件.Our MOQ is 30 pcs.(MOQ-最小订货量)30件以下只接受零售的价格,我们的折扣40%的促销活动准备结束.Retail price offered for order quantity less than 30 pcs.Our promotion of offering a 40%discount is about to end.如果你有需要请告知我们你的真实需求.If you have any inquiries,please inform us about your real demands.由于网站限制刊登产品的数量.如果方便的话留下你的邮箱,我们有更加多的产品供你选择,谢谢.Since display of all the products is restricted by the website,we will appreciate it if you could leave us your email address,and we would like to offer of our available products for your information.Thanks.您好,原文翻译如上供参考,不明白可继续提问.若回答对您有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮.

英语翻译 Freshman year in high school life is coming to an end,we are in a tense atmosphere of learning,I will have a good study hard,don't live up to the expectations of you,I hope you are all enough to c.


英语翻译 亲爱的*:Dear*:很开心能给你写信,我是昨天穿制服和你合照的那个女孩,今天下午去拍毕业照片,不能等Very happy to give you a letter,it was yesterday I wear uniforms and you a picture of the girl,this afternoon to shoot graduation photos and can't wait到活动结束,因为知道你明天就要走所以很舍不得,明年还来*(地方名)吧。大家都太喜欢你了。To activities,because we know that you end tomorrow,will leave so stillhad next year to*(local)。Everyone like you too much。和你合照完了之后看到有人和你拥抱。就在想“原来可以拥抱啊.”\"再来一次.“好害羞啊After a picture with you see someone and you hug。guess\"originally can hug.\"\"Once again.\"Good shy ah太疯狂了。Crazy。如果明年还能见到你,肯定给你带去 这里非常好吃的豆腐。If can still see you next year,certainly give you away here very delicious of tofu。其实我还在weibo@你了。自己PS和你合照的照片,看到的话就赶紧忘掉哈哈哈,如果你看到的话.I actually still in weibo@you。His PS and you see a picture of photos,if they hurriedly forget ha,ha,ha,if you see words.不过居然会变成。

活动结束后我们就各自回家了英语翻译 After the activity ended,we went home respectively.活动结束后我们就各自回家了

英语翻译 My college life is going to the end,next period of my whole life is to take part in the society activities.When i was in my college for four years,i always reminded me of improving my abilities,kept.


