这样大的雪是什么意思? 老美以为自己聪明:煤不在自己境内挖,石油不在自己境内采,各种矿藏不在自己境内开采,各种有污染的化工厂不在自己境内开设—可是,环境是全球性的,大自然的报复不会一样。
森林王子可以抵御住一切暴风雪的袭击这句话运用了什么说明方法 比喻,把袭击比喻暴风雨
我们的森林王子子可以抵御住一切暴风雪的袭击这句话运用了怎样的修辞手法? 这句话是运用了“借代”的修辞手法。用“森林王子”代指仙人掌。借代,顾名思义便是借一物来代替另一物出现。
地理题 分析美国密歇根州为何易遭受暴风雪的袭击,说说暴风雪会带来哪些危害
“我们的‘森林王子’可以抵御住一切暴风雪的袭击.”这句话运用了什么说明方法. 拟人
书面作文:假设一场暴风雪袭击了你所在的城市,请根据要点提示并发挥想象,写一篇80词左右的短文.(已 Last Friday morning,the weather became colder while the sky was gray,and the cold wind was blowing strongly.It seemed that it was going to snow soon.yeah.it's begins。just a while,all the buildings in.
英语翻译 It's been a long time since we last contacted each other.I've been rather busy these days.Recently southern China has been suffering from heavy snow storm,but I haven't seen a single snowflake in my city.I heard from news that many areas of America were also hit by heavy snow storms.Have you been influenced by them?
\ 表现出了环境的恶劣,突出暴风雪来势凶猛。