英语翻译 1.What would you like to have?2.How many pears can you eat?Three?3.There are two bottles of milk and a piece of bread on the desk.4.It's time for a rest.Would you like a glass of water?5.We have rice.英语翻译 1.面包不应该放在盘子里,而是桌子上.The bread should be placed on the desk instead of the dish.2.不可以用手吃除了面包以外的任何东西,水果切碎,用叉子吃.Please don't take the food by your hand except the b.请把牛奶放在桌子上英语录音怎么读 英文原文:Please put the milk on the desk英式音标:[pli?z][p?t][e?][m?lk][?n][e?][desk]美式音标:[pliz][p?t][e?][m?lk][ɑn][e?][d?sk]一些面包和牛奶在桌子上怎么翻译 There is some bread and milk on the table.There be句型的单数取决于紧跟着be 动词的词 bread 为不可数 所以可用some 修饰 谓语动词用单数。英语翻译 1、我每天吃大量的蔬菜I eat a lot of vegetables every day.2、我的妈妈昨天太累了My mother was very tired yesterday.3、桌子上有太多的牛奶There is too much milk on the table.4、我们今天有点忙We are kind of(或a little)busy.5、我昨天听他读过英语I heard him read yesterday.6、我听见他正在读英语I hear him reading English.7、香蕉是一种水果A banana is a kind of fruit.8我希望明天和你去骑车游览I hope to go bike riding with you tomorrow.短语:1、你想在假期中干什么What are you doing for/on vacation?2、那里的天气怎么样How is the weather there?What’s the weather like there?3、度假On/for vacation4、一些不同的事情Some different things5、他们计划过一个轻松的假期They plan to spend a relaxing vacation.6、我计划在一个美丽的乡村度过这一段时间I plan to spend some tome in a beautiful countryside.英语翻译 1.How many pears can you eat?Three2.There are two bags of milk and a loaf of bread on the table.3.It is time to have a break.What about a bottle of water?4.We eat meals at dinner,what about you?英语翻译 1.Would you like something to drink?2.How many pears can you eat?Three.3.There are two packets(cartons)of milk and a piece of bread on the table.4.It's time to have a rest.What about having(drinkin.英语翻译 1.我想要三瓶牛奶.I’d like to buy three bottles of milk.2.他买了一幅我们城市的地图.He bought a map of our city.3.桌子上有一篮马铃薯.There is basket of potatoes on the table.4.玛丽的书包和露丝的书包放.
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