服装厂里的平车,打边车,冚车,人字车,双针车分别是什么作用? 1、平车:缝合作用。2、打边车:把裁开的面料边角锁住防止毛边以及缝合作用。3、冚车:也叫做绷缝,作滚边缝合作用。4、人字车:起装饰线作用。5、双针车:装饰和固定边缝。
帮忙英语翻译下。要通顺。 Compound mould has the processing workpiece coaxial degree good,surface flat,high precision,high production size obvious virtues,mould enterprise in conditions allow,tend to choose compound mould structure.This paper introduces automatic feed stamping compound mould design,analysis the stamping process and punching process,analyzes the composition parts,determined the shape of blank send into and localization way,and the main components of mould designing in detail.Also includes cutting force calculation and the cutting clearance choice,the main points of design pressure center calculation.In no external power under the condition of providing feeding power,clever design inclined wedge feeding agencies use mould itself press the realization of automatic feeding power and save money,improve the production efficiency.
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贴标机的专业词怎么翻译 贴标机(Labeller),是以粘合剂把纸或金属箔标签粘贴在规定的包装容器上的设备。贴标签机是现代包装不可缺少。自动贴标机http://www.youngsunbz.cn/products/Labeling.shtml