你的大学宿舍舍友之间的关系是怎么样?以及理想的期待的舍友关系? 我理想中的舍友


我大学的理想室友英语作文 My roommate JohnOne night,when I was having a bath alone in the washing room,the light sud-denly went out.“What’s up?I shouted,but no replies.It seemed nobody was in the room and the switch went wrong again.So I went out to switch it on directly.Just at that moment,a flash of camera suddenly appeared,followed by a burst of laughter.“Perfect postures.Smile and say cheese。Then I saw a smiling face in the corner.Oh,my god,it was John.He always played various tricks on people and it was my turn.As fast as he could,he ran out of the room,saying that“Great pictures。I’ll use it as my computer background.”Indeed,he’s quite a naughty boy.Tall and handsome,he wears a thick mustache.He has many hats,and when the winter comes,he usually has his purple hat on all day long even when he is sleeping.And that always reminds me of a scene that a cute baby in the cradle.I still remember the time when he first entered the university.As he had never lived in the dormitory before,he wasn’t 。

大一上学期宿舍太吵了,舍友没有理想只想着玩,天天玩但很晚,可是我还是想要考研,我该不该换宿舍? 1:我的情况和你差不多。习惯就好,我现在已经能够做到,在他们开黑的时候认真学习。他们再吵也干扰不到我.

英语作文我的理想舍友,50词 nd came from the photos of people first collection.I wanted to be an astronaut.At that time,I will be the world's first female astronauts in a spaceship fly space,the secret to explore space.By then,many of the\"mystery\"will be opened.I'll in planet fossils,studied collecting space.I will invite the alien visitors to our earth,and the earth to the children,and friends hand in hand.Let them know of our earth.I also want to be a ecotourist,in global travel.To the Antarctic continent,where snow,countless penguins in welcome me.To Egypt to see that 座座 the pyramids and the like,Egypt had about ancient history and culture.To neighbors,Japan to see that a mysterious mt.Fuji.To New York to visit the statue of liberty.To France,look at the world's famous the Eiffel Tower.To South America,through the pieces of the tropical rain forest,appreciate the beautiful tropical plants,experience the crocodile,carnivorous ant fierce.However,only by good imagination is useless,want to use the 。

你的大学宿舍舍友之间的关系是怎么样?以及理想的期待的舍友关系? 挺好的,六个人打打闹闹的。最气的是每次交电费的时候,总有几个人看不见,都快毕业的时候,还有人不知道电费怎么交的。

你的大学宿舍舍友之间的关系是怎么样?以及理想的期待的舍友关系? 我理想中的舍友

你的大学宿舍舍友之间的关系是怎么样?以及理想的期待的舍友关系? 谢邀。我觉得各自相安无事互不干涉就已经很好了…当然如果想处好关系,可以跟你分享下经验(时间有限,暂…

你的大学宿舍舍友之间的关系是怎么样?以及理想的期待的舍友关系? 第二种挺好的。同在一个屋檐下,互不打扰才难能可贵。我大学换过一次宿舍,在第一间宿舍,和某个舍友不合…

你理想中的室友是怎么样的的? 好的室友会给生活带来许多的乐趣和益处,那么,我理想中的室友是怎么样的呢,以下是个人的看法:理想中的室友,是能够陪我一起笑,一起哭,在我失意的时候,给我力量,给我安慰,在我孤独落寞的时候,能够陪伴着我,一起打发时间。既是良师又是益友,也是家人。能像个孩子一样相处。可以天南海北,畅所欲言,放下所有戒心那样轻松待在一块儿。可以一起穿同样的衣服,也可以一起坐在一块,吃着薯片,一起看着喜欢的电影,一边可以没心没肺的胡扯,不会嫌弃你太吵太闹。可以一起嘻嘻哈哈,嬉皮笑脸。可以天真烂漫的笑得跟个孩子一样,也可以你追我打,像个顽皮的孩子一样。能像个知心朋友相处。彼此有共同的爱好目标,可以一起努力,一起监督约束彼此。在你遭遇挫折,或者瓶颈的时候,想要放弃逃避,偷懒放纵自己的坏习惯的时候,能听到室友的暖心督促,谆谆教诲。就像良师益友一样。好的室友,既是生活的好伴侣,又是事业上的好帮手。可以在你迷途的时候,被室友劝返,在你形单影只,孤独无助地时候,被室友拖着出去一起happy。能像个家人一样相处。在你生病地时候,能够送上一杯温馨的温水,给你呈上一碗热热的白粥,就像个亲人一样能够照顾你,关心你,帮助你,帮。

