英语翻译 Internal control system is the product of social productivity development to a certain period.As th翻译:严谨务实,一丝不苟,提高程序意识,尊重科学规律,加强过程控制力。 Rigorous practical,meticulous,raises the procedure consciousness,the respect scientific rule,strengthens the process controlling force.希望能够满意英语翻译 As the establishment and improvement of Modern commercial banking system,commercial banks are facing stringent regulation.All these require that commercial banks must keep improving their interna.“那样可以增强抵抗力”的英文翻译 It can strengthen the resistance英语翻译 After reforming and opening up,perfect original country and the unceasing reform along with economic英语翻译 This paper analyzes the characteristics of scientific research institutions to control the cost of s怎样提高我的自我控制力,自我控制力问题:不管你是有抑郁、焦虑、失眠还是这些问题都有,几乎无一例外都伴随着控制力的问题,这可能与自我控制力本质上与自我为中心的思维英语翻译 Internal control is the use of a modern enterprise system theory,control theory,information theory,c怎样才能加强自己意志力和控制力? 要有足够的能力知识,良好的心态。才能做到!英语翻译 Abstract:strengthening the enterprise's internal controls has become an important means of corporat
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