新概念英语第二册一课一练答案,外研社的 新2一课一练的答案


新概念2一课一练第39课答案。急急急急 2.a 根据课文第10行Then Dr.Millington asked the caller if he was a relative of the patient 可以看出,只有选a.was a relative 。

新概念英语第二册一课一练答案,外研社的 1.关键句型练习答案AI(1)got(2)very angry(3).I(1)could not hear(2)the actors(3).I(1)turned round(2).I(1)looked at(2)the man and the woman(3)angrily(4).They(1)did not pay(2)any attention(3).In the end(6),I(1)could not bear(2)it(3).I(1)turned round(2)again(6).I(1)can't hear(2)a word(3)。I(1)said(2)angrily(4).It(1)is(2)none of your business(3),the young man(1)said(2)rudely(4).This(1)is(2)a private conversation(3)。B1 I enjoyed the film yesterday.2 I listened to the news carefully.3 The man played the piano well.4 The children played games quietly in their room yesterday.5 He opened the door quietly.6 He left immediately.7 He planted a tree in the corner of the garden.8 He read the letter quickly in his office before lunch.9 I borrowed a book from the library this morning.10 The cook spoilt the soup.11 We stay at home on Sundays.12 There are a lot of people at the bus stop.13 The little boy ate greedily an apple in the kitchen this morning.14 She draws 。

新概念英语第二册一课一练答案 以我2113的经验,您最好每天用一个小时左右注重5261在听新概念二英语,因为您说4102您以前会背过,所以1653您不必重新学习,可以开始学习第三册了,但您不能把第二册忘掉,每天有计划的去听新概念二英语,最好能和mp3一起复述.我建议您最好和我一样,晚上睡前听一个小时左右的新概念二,记在听与复习,记忆.早晨每天早起一个小时左右大声的去吼那些自己会背的文章.这样可以锻炼您的口语,炼出发英语的口腔肌肉.因为能够和外国人说一口流利的英语可比中国式的哑巴英语意义更重大啊。希望你能正确认识学习英语的目的.祝您在英语的路上越走越好。

数学一课一练答案 81

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新概念英语第二册一课一练答案,外研社的 新2一课一练的答案

新版新概念英语2Lesson15-16答案 新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 151.d根据课文第5-7行I knew my turn had come…I said in a weak voice,可以判断出d.Hethought he would lose his job最符合课文的原义,也符合这一句子的因果关系.其他.

