你们打算去哪里英文翻译 这个周末,你打算去哪里?求英文翻译


你打算什么时候去哪里 英语翻译 When and where are you planning to go?


\ 今天你准备去哪里Where are you going today?Where are you about to go today?

英语翻译 Any places else

英语翻译:你打算去哪里度假?我已经度过假了 你打算去哪里度假?我已经度过假了where do you plan to spend your vacation?I have already had my holiday.

与朋友用英语交流一下你们明天的打算,包括去哪里,做什么,怎么去等,把你们商量的结果写下来。 A:Shall we go to Zhenyuan Ancient Town tomorrow?B:That sounds good。I heard that it is realy a beautiful place.A:We can get there by bus,shall we meet at the bus station at 10:00am?B:A little bit late,how about 8:30?I can hardly wait to take photos there。A:Sure。See you.

我的周末英语作文.要求:这个周末你打算做什么?你要去哪里?你怎么去那儿?准备和谁去?50个字左右 This weekend I want to spend some time with my friends.We are going to take a picnic in the park.The park is not very far,so we are going there by bike.I have invited Jane and Tom,they are my best friends.I think we will have a great time together.

你要去哪里?英文怎么说 你要去哪里?where are you going?我要去见老板.I wii meet with the boss你要做什么?what are you doing?我要和他谈一谈(have a talk).i need to have a talk with him你要谈什么?What do you want to talk about?我不想告诉你.这件事很重要.I do not want to tell you.This is an important thing.小心.老板这几天不高兴.Be careful。The boss was not in good mood these days.真的吗?那么我不去了.Really?Then I will change my idea.你把那些相片给我带来,好吗?Bring me with those photos,Ok?好的.All right

这个周末,你打算去哪里?求英文翻译 Where are you going this weekend.

你们打算去哪里英文翻译 这个周末,你打算去哪里?求英文翻译

你们下周打算去哪里翻译成英文 Where do you plan to go next week?


