缺乏控制力英语怎么说 翻译一下下面几句话,译成英文


英语翻译 功名大立,天也.为是故,因不慎其人,不可.夫舜遇尧,天也.舜耕于历山,陶于河滨,钓于雷泽,天下说之,秀士从之,人也.夫禹遇舜,天也.禹周于天下,以求贤者,事利黔首,水潦川泽之湛滞壅塞可通者,禹尽为之,人也.夫汤遇桀,武遇纣,天也.汤、武修身积善为义,以忧苦于民,人也.舜之耕渔,其贤不肖与为天子同.其未遇时也,以其徒属堀地财,取水利,编蒲苇,结罘网,手足胼胝不居,然后免于冻馁之患.其遇时也,登为天子,贤士归之,万民誉之,丈夫女子,振振殷殷,无不戴说.舜自为诗曰:“普天之下,莫非王土;率土之滨,莫非王臣.”所以见尽有之也.尽有之,贤非加也;尽无之,贤非损也.时使然也.百里奚之未遇时也,亡虢而虏晋,饭牛于秦,传鬻以五羊之皮.公孙枝得而说之,献诸缪公,三日,请属事焉.缪公曰:“买之五羊之皮而属事焉,无乃天下笑乎?公孙枝对曰:“信贤而任之,君之明也;让贤而下之,臣之忠也.君为明君,臣为忠臣.彼信贤,境内将服,敌国且畏,夫谁暇笑哉?缪公遂用之.谋无不当,举必有功,非加贤也.使百里奚虽贤,无得缪公,必无此名矣.今焉知世之无百里奚哉?故人主之欲求士者,不可不务博也.孔子穷于陈、蔡之间,七日不尝食,藜羹不糁.宰予备矣,孔子弦歌于室,颜回择菜于外.子路与子贡相与而言曰:“夫子逐于鲁,削迹。

英语翻译 The competitiveness of China's lagging auto industry.In 2005,by the Ministry of Commerce Industry Injury Investigation Bureau and the China Automotive Technology and Research Center completed the\"China Automobile Industry Research on the international competitiveness evaluation report\"concluded that China's auto industry overall competitiveness index is the United States were 41.7 percent,Japan's 42.4%,47.3%in Germany and South Korea 61.6%,far behind the automobile industry with these powers.A long period of time because of the lack of core technology capital,the automotive industry value chain have been part of the high-end foreign control,but also exacerbate this trend.

缺少自控力 英语怎么说?lack of self-control?

缺乏控制力英语怎么说 翻译一下下面几句话,译成英文

英语翻译 The Internet cafe's negative effect and controlling to teenagersAt present,the quantity of Internet cafe of our country increases severely,but corresponding control measures have not been put in place,has produced very great negative effect on people especially teenagers,enticement of the network and teenagers' worse self-control cause a lot of teenagers to indulge in the Internet cafe now,endanger the physical and mental health and ideologically healthy,and then influence the harmony and harmony of the family and society.This text organizes discussion to teenagers' negative effect and corresponding countermeasure to the Internet cafe mainly,on the basis of fullying realize thequestion,propose solving this problem in feasible countermeasure,it is benign and interdynamic to reach teenagers and network,guarantee that teenagers can grow up healthy and sound


