英语翻译 我喜欢考拉因为他们很聪明的英语


英语翻译 1.koala2.heffalump3.penguin4.dolphin5.animal 6.south 7.box8.Let's go to the zoo.9.Why do you like pandas?10.Because they are very cute.11.Why does he like giraffes?12.The reason is that they are smart.

我喜欢猴子因为它们很聪明 用英语怎样写 I like monkeys because they are very smart.

英语翻译 我喜欢考拉因为他们很聪明的英语

英语翻译 I went to the zoo saw the shy pandas,the tigers who are meat lovers,loverly koalas,giant elephants and fierce lions.Due to the loveliness of koalas,I like them best.Besides,I spent a really happy day.

英语翻译 they'relike,because clever考拉seelives


英语翻译 How do you do?How do you do?What animal do you like?Well,I like koalas.Why do you like koalas?Because they are lovely and pretty smart.Do you like koalas?No,I don't.What animal do you like?I like lions.Why?Because I think they are cool.Do you like them?No,I don't.Because they are ugly.

我喜欢考拉因为他是可爱的懒惰的的翻译是:什么意思 我喜欢考拉因为他是可爱的懒惰的 I like koalas because he is cute and lazy 网页 微信 知乎 图片 视频 明医 科学 汉语 英文 问问。? 2021SOGOU.COM 京ICP证050897号


