由于原材料和人工成本的上涨的翻译是:什么意思 由于原材料和人工成本的上涨的翻译是:Due to the rise of raw materials and labor costs,见下图翻译英语翻译一句话“如果交货前,货物原材料成本发生变化,买方有权调整货价” if the cost of goods'raw material is changed before its delivery,the buyer is entitle to adjust the price of the goods.英语翻译 Sir,as u know,wages and materials' cost increase day by day and we sincerly want to do long-term business with you,so have to remain the original price,hope can understand,thanks in advance.英语翻译 你想要问什么呢?帮忙翻译一下,谢谢!!! 帮忙翻译一下,谢谢![关键字]:采购成本采购材料成本采购管理成本存储成本:采购成本=procurement cost 采购材料成本=cost o?英语翻译 The reasons of gross sales margin higher than expected one are as following.Product seriesChanged the packing material,Purchase price changed for the raw material.The unit price of material A reduced.The production plan changed,3 raw materials cancelledthe cost of transportation between processes are not calculated into the total cost.The unit selling price was not changed according to the above.Please forgive me for the mistake.The errors in the data filling have been corrected.原材料成本占总成本的13% 英语有几种说法 The cost of raw material accounts for 13%of the total cost.13%of the total cost is for raw material.英语翻译:关于成本预算 原料消耗及成本 about the Cost estimates of consumption of raw materials costs材料和人工成本的上升的翻译是:什么意思 Rising in material and labor coststhe rise of material and labor costs Material and labor costs rise.
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