今天我们讨论的主题是英文 今天我们谈论的主题是怎么翻译


英语翻译 Hello,everyone.I.I come from a small but very happy family.Very honored to stand here and speak to you,today,I would like to talk about the topic is about ourinterests and our abilities of differ.

英语翻译 Today,our class had a discussion on the theme\"like modern houses,or old-style house.\"Some students like the modern house,because they believe the house is modern sense of security,look beautiful,in line with the modern aesthetic.However,some students prefer the old-style house,because they believe that old-style house environment beautiful.I am even like the old-style house,because he not only a beautiful environment,and we live together,to better link between the emotional neighbors.

今天我演讲的主题是。。。。怎么说啊 英语翻译

今天我们讨论的主题是英文 今天我们谈论的主题是怎么翻译

今天我们谈论的主题是怎么翻译 今天我们谈论的主题是.The topic of our talk today is.Today,we are going to talk about.


明天英语课要讲的对话 求高手翻译辛苦高手翻译一下 如果是直接用有道之类翻译的就免了..万分感谢今天我们组在这想讨论的主题是创意那么首先什么是创意?:xxx你觉得什么事创意呢?我认为创意就是那些情理之中 意料之外的东西 比如说扫雷..我们大家都经常玩 就像这样…一会儿排成s型一会儿排成b型.当然这只是我们一般人的玩法..下面我给大家看个够创意的玩法这是一个日本宅男做的动画 他的动画素材仅仅是通过扫雷

今天我演讲的主题是.怎么说啊 英语翻译 The topic of my speech today is读音:/e? ?tɑp?k ?v ma? spit? t??de ?z/例句:The topic of my speech today is is China's future development.今天我演讲的主题是未来中国的发展。解析:这里的The topic of my speech 就是我演讲的主题,today就是今天的意思,作为演讲的开头使用。重点单词topic的用法1、读音/?tɑ?p?k/2、释义n.主题;e68a847a686964616f31333431366263题目;一般规则;总论3、例句What do they know about your topic?关于你的主题他们了解多少?扩展资料topic的词组1、hot topic1)释义:热门话题;新锐2)例句:A hot topic discussed today is whether we can clone human being.今天讨论的热门话题是我们是否可以克隆人类。2、special topic1)释义:专题2)例句:If you are interested in a special topic,you might go for one of our workshops.如果你对于某个特殊的话题感兴趣,你可以到我们的研习会来。3、topic for discussion1)释义:议题2)例句:They introduced a topic for discussion.他们提出议题供讨论。

今天我们讨论的主题是如何获得大丰收用英语怎么说 新概念一课一练上的翻译题。应该是:Today we talk about the topic is how to obtain a good harvest.

英语翻译 The topic for our discussion today is\"why we are for or against the gun control\".


