英语翻译 当前,文化产业被看做是促进一国经济发展的“软实力”,更是一国综合国力的体现.Nowadays,culture industry has been overwhelmingly seen as a soft power in advancing the economics development of a country,and even as a demonstration of its comprehensive national power.随着世界经济全球化趋势的日益加强,国际文化贸易作为国际服务贸易的重要组成部分,已经成为当今全球服务贸易竞争的重点领域之一,在国际贸易格局中发挥着越来越重要的作用.With the increasingly reinforced economic globalization,international cultural trade,as an important part of international service trade,has become one of the fiercely competitive domains of global service trade and now played leading role in international trade patterns.全球文化贸易快速增长,文化贸易成为大国竞争的焦点.虽然我国已经成为了公认的贸易大国,却也是文化贸易逆差的大国,并且严格来说并不是贸易强国.The global culture trade is now seeing a rapid growth and international big powers has all focused on cultural trade.Though China has been accredited as a trading 。
综合经济实力的英文翻译 综合经济实力“英语是(comprehensive economic strength)“comprehensive”是综合、全面的意思,综合经济实力(comprehensive economic strength)这里面有实际应用到,可以看看:
请假下列文字翻译成英语: Since 1990,the Shanghai suburb economy realized,has been continually fast,the health development,the economic potentiality big enhancement,the economic structure tends to reasonably,the suburb various.
经济实力增强,国家综合国力提升的英文怎么说 With the development of economy,the overall national strenth has risen.
“经济发展迅速”或类似的“经济实力强”用英语怎么说 a rapid economic development.have a great power of economy.
怎样评价一个经济体的综合经济实力?高楼大厦是一方面,内在的关键指标是什么? 评价一个经济体的综合实力,虽说经济基础决定上层建筑,不过除了看一个经济体高楼大厦的数量以外,还要看民俗文化,国民素质也是一个经济体的软实力,比如可以看看大街上是否干净,买东西或者乘车是不是有序排队。