英语翻译 2 foreigners held by the necessary documents.(1)I have a passport or other identity certificate of nationality;(2)issued by public security organs\"foreigner residence permit\",or the foreign affairs department issued identity documents,or temporary China's entry into,stay in documents;(3)by the national Ministry of Foreign Affairs(or the authorized organs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs)and the Chinese Embassy in the consular certification issued by a notary public of their marital status.绝对准确证书的持有人 如何用英文翻译 certificate holder想要去国企工作,英语专八重要吗? 看应聘岗位了,一般岗位也没有这种要求啊持有人用英语怎么说 owner就是持有人希望采纳英语翻译 There have been 100 people from our company with green cards staying in China.50 among them came from Beijing,40 from Shanghai,and the other ten from Tianjin.The following is the list of their names:.英语翻译 Age discrimination refers to a kind of that old people is the physiological or social aspects of the weak,and discrimination against older people's point of view,from holding someone on the elderly.善意持有人英语怎么说? 这是一个法律名词bona fides holder只有英文名称的香港公司怎么注册大陆商标,商标证书上的持有人是中文还是英文?或者中英文合并? 您好,你只要找大陆的知识产权代理公司就可以了。提供资质就可以注册大陆商标认证机构品牌持有人测试标准等用英文怎么说 test standardcertification agencybrand holdermanufacturermateriallower-degree holder是什么意思,我知道degree holder网友解释为学位持有人,可是更低的学位持有人是什么应该怎么翻译更好呢?原文是Two of his sons (one of them a Qing lower-degree holder) also at different times headed the office of financial administra
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