英语问题:“一场激烈的讨论”的“激烈” 我们讨论的很激烈英语


最近我们班就中学生如何交友进行了一次激烈的讨论 英文翻译 可以这样说: 可以这样说:Recently our class had a heated debate about how to make friends among the middle school students.希望能帮到你,满意请采纳,别忘了在下方。

怎么用英文表示“激烈的” “激烈的”英文2113表示方法:drastic读法:英['dr?st?k;'drɑ?-]美5261['dr?st?k]释义:1、adj.激烈的;猛烈4102的2、n.烈性泻药a drastic debate一个激烈的辩论drastic reduction深度还1653原drastic fluctuations大起大落drastic medicine剧药例句:1、The resolution was a prelude to drastic actions.这次决议只是更激烈的步骤的前奏。2、The boss dropped by him.They had a drastic dispute over the draft.老板顺便拜访他。他们在草稿问题上有着激烈的争执。扩展资料drastic的近义词:violent读法:英['va??l(?)nt]美['va??l?nt]释义:adj.暴力的;猛烈的短语:1、violent crime暴力罪行2、violent storm暴风3、violent contact惯例4、Violent Training威拓训练

经过激烈的讨论后,我们总能得到满意的答案 英文翻译 急需 We can always find satisfying anwers after intense disscusions.

英语问题:“一场激烈的讨论”的“激烈” 我们讨论的很激烈英语

在课堂上进行激烈的讨论 这个句子怎么翻译? There is/was a heated discussion going on among the students.几点说明:1.这个句子中用is或was均可。2.英语中“激烈的讨论”要用“heated”这一形容词来修饰。3.这里的。

怎么用英文表示“激烈的” 您的问题很简单.呵呵.知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题.原句:激烈的翻译:drastic;furious;ardent;scorching;stinging 一个激烈的辩论:A fierce debate;a hotly debated 激烈的殴斗slugfest激烈的商.

英语翻译 1.Recently we hold a fierce debate about whether people in the city should keep pets or not.2.I don't think it harmful to keep pets at home.3.One can improve the friendship living in a dormitory.4.We can spend some time visiting Beijing,where you can do some shopping.5.As we all know,the 2008 Olympics have been hold in Beijing.6.It is necessary to improve people's quality and education.7.Not only does it help me grasp knowledge,but also expand my horizon.8.Only by this can we protect our environment.9.It is because it is convenient to us to keep in touch with my family when getting into trouble that we use cellphone.10.There are many people in the park on weekends.

求英语写作模板 大概的意思是 今天我们班关于xxxx展开了激烈的讨论,有些人认为,…… Today xxxx sparked a heated debate in our class,the opinions of which vary from person to person.Some students take a view that.while others tend to believe that.


