如果一个女生被其她舍友都孤立,那她到底是个怎样的人呢? 我现在身边就有一个心机婊!
英语翻译 Last Saturday,I went back to my hometown to visit my paternal grandmother and maternal grandmother.Dad drove me to the gerocomium,but paternal grandmother was not there,the director of the gerocomium.
舍友,是陪伴还是朋友 有个法可以帮你解决你这个朋友,让他永远的不跟你做朋友,跟他借钱,当着他的面跟他说有急事跟他借钱,如果不借你可以告诉他咱们以后就不是朋友了!
用英文介绍你的舍友 hello,everyone,i'm glad to introduce my flatmate to you.her/his name is XXXX.we are classmate/colleague.we live together for X months/years.she's or he's a really good guy who is nice and tidy.you know,I came to(city name)that my first time to leave my hometown.I felt alone and strange.she/he spend lots of time to alleviate my homesick.And the important thing is he/she good at housework.we are absolutely friends now.he/she is a perfect flatmate you never ever saw before.
在大学,我朋友让我陪她去吃饭,但是我刚刚才和舍友才吃完,所以我不想去,这样拒绝她好吗? 这样拒绝她没什么不好的既然你刚刚已经吃过饭了你朋友也不能强迫你再吃第二次吧只要你明确地告诉她你已经吃过了让她找别人陪她去吃下回自己再陪她去吃饭就行了直接拒绝她,说明原因就好