英语翻译 不过我肯定相信你说的话英文翻译


英语翻译 1 Do you doubt whether he will succeed?2 I am not sure whether he will keep his word.3 I don't doubt that he will finish the task ahead of time.4 Our plane is delaied because of the heavy mist.我相信你一定可以的,这句用英语怎么说?? I believe that you can do it!I believe you can!I think you can make it!很灵活的,呵呵,不知道可否说一下您的context(语境)?英语翻译 1、approval that I insist on 意思是“我坚持的批准…”语义不通啊若改为Approval what I insist on\"approval没有动词的用法,这样语义更不通啊…=2、ensure that I effortsensure是动词,that I efforts 是一个定语,并不是一个宾语而且efforts的确是名词,不适用所以即使改成ensure what I efforts也是语义不通3、believe that I created 也是语义不通that I created是一个定语,不可以用在动词believe后believe what I created 是正确的本人给的参考1、I insist on what I believe in.2、Affirm what I strive for.3、Believe what I created.我一定不会让你失望的,这句话的英语怎样翻译 我一定不会让你失望的I definately will not let you down/i definately will not let you be disappointed.满意请采纳,谢谢英语翻译 no pain,no gain。This is a saying i always believe.Because it's paid by labour in the sociaty now,you can get as many as you give out.if you want to gain things without give out,it's a pity that you can get nothing.so we should remember this old saying,only in this way can we get our harvest in our daily life。英语翻译 1)我肯定他已经写完了明信片.I am sure that he has finished witing the post card(s).2)他知道我们昨天受伤了.He knew/knows that we got/were injured yesterday.3)他们恐怕待在招待所.I am afraid they are/stay in the hotel.4)她相信他没在写信.She doesn't think/believe that he is wrting a letter.5)你们最好别去苏格兰.You'd better not go to Scotland.祝你学习进步,开心如意。O(∩_∩)O~


