我打电话的时候 汤姆正在做什么 英文翻译 你在等tom的时候干了什么翻译


英语翻译 A:昨天下午三点我给你打电话的时候,你正在做什么?What were you doing when I called you at three o'clock yesterday afternoon.B:我正在游泳.I was swimming.A:我打电话的时候,汤姆正在做什么?What was Tom doing when I called?B:他正在踢足球.He was playing football.A:那玛丽正在做什么呢?What about Mary?B:她正在做作业.She was doing her homework.A:你们都很忙啊。You were all very busy.

英语翻译 1 他们在地震中遭受了重大损失【They suffered heavy losses in the earthquake.】2 列车员仔细检查了Tom的行李【The conductor carefully examined TOM's luggage】3 当过马路的时候你一定要特别小心(用省略句)【Be careful when crossing the street】4 在这个他以前工作的餐厅,他遇到了他童年【He used to work in this restaurant,where he met his childhood】

我打电话的时候 汤姆正在做什么 英文翻译 What was Tom doing when I called in

汉语译成英语句子 1 what were you doing at 5 yesterday afternoon?2.When Tom was walking to the school,he saw Lucy riding the bike.3.What were you doing when your mom got home?I was on the phone.4.I was very surprised.

英语翻译 1.When I was watching Tv,someone knocked at the door.2.Why did you call Tom?Because I want to invite him to go to the movie.

英语翻译 He wasn't running at 6 o'clock in the morning.He was sweeping the floor.We were not sleeping at this time yesterday,but he is sleeping now.What was he doing from 7 to 9 yesterday?When Tom entered the.

英语翻译 喂,Tom你好,我是Peter.Hello,Tom hello,I'm Peter.你好Peter,有什么事吗?How are you Peter,what's the matter?是的,我想请你吃晚饭,不知道你有没有空.Yes,I'd like to invite you to dinner,I don't know if you have the time.噢,那太好了.Oh,that's too good.在什么地方呢?In what place?我们定在成都饭店,三楼.We will in chengdu restaurant,the third floor.好的,那什么时候呢.Ok,so what time?晚上七点,我会在此前半小时来接你.Evening at seven o 'clock,I'll in previous half an hour to pick you up.那太好了,非常感谢你.That's too good,thank you very much.不用谢,晚上见.No thanks,see you tonight.再见.Goodbye.

英语翻译 What time do your best friend usually go to school?Rick never eat eggs for breakfast.Tom has an interesting job in the rest home.My father never late for work.Do your friend often do exercise on the weekend?

我打电话的时候 汤姆正在做什么 英文翻译 你在等tom的时候干了什么翻译


