写一篇英语作文介绍家乡,我的家乡在山西,介绍他的地理位置,气候, 山西我的家长特色思维导图


介绍家乡的特色(山西的),简单一点儿,用英文 Chinese New Year customs vary.According to legend,the beast was afraid because of the red,fear of fire and fear of sound,so people will have couplets,firecrackers,drums and other customs.Different times and in different regions,different ethnic customs are different.Year to hang red lanterns Laba:eighth lunar month,is Han Chinese traditional festival Laba Festival,as the\"New Year\"is coming signals.Traditionally,this day to drink rice porridge,making Laba garlic.Jizao,is a small year to send the Kitchen God.Worship,allay,burning incense,burning candles,hanging lanterns.Paying respects to ancestors,grave.With grapefruit leaves to take a bath.Cleaning.In general Nianba,ie New Year 2-3 days,that date should clean up the house,greet the Spring Festival.Cantonese slang called\"year Nianba,wash dirty.\"Paste scrolls,scrolls,paintings,but also posted some rural grilles.Subsidizing the word blessing:just literate children will say\"blessing down,\"big people say\"did not fall,\"stubborn child will 。


介绍我的家乡山西作文 导语:悠久辉煌的历史,美丽富饶的山河,为山西造就了众多的优秀人才。下面是yjbys作文网小编为您收集整理的作文,希望对您有所帮助。我的家乡山西作文(1)我是一个山西人。。

写一篇英语作文介绍家乡,我的家乡在山西,介绍他的地理位置,气候, 山西我的家长特色思维导图

应英语简单的介绍一下你的家乡 My hometown is Chanxi Province.It is a city of beauty and is comfortable in all seasons.It has quite a lot of places of interest worth seeing,such as Mount MianShan,Mount Wutaisshan and so on.It is e.

山西为话题的作文:我美丽的家乡-太原 小荷 作文 网www.zww.cn 玩了这么久,你一定饥肠辘辘了吧。让我们去大南门的山西面食馆去吃点东西吧。小 荷 作文网www.zww.cn 在山西面食馆里,有刀削面、拉面、揪面等。刀。

家乡就像一颗小巧俏丽的明珠,坐落在崇山峻岭的万绿丛中。下面是小编为你整理了“我的家乡山西太原作文”,希望能帮助到您。我的家乡山西太原作文1 我的家乡是全国著名的。


我的家乡是山西的山西设计一个广告 建议你可以罗列出家乡的特色,确定用什么样的表达方式,这样太问笼统了,如果有想法,欢迎继续交流


