英语翻译 我们必须教我们的孩子理解和使用它英语


英语翻译 1 He told me that he could teach us English.2 He told the children that he was going to buy them ice-cream.3 She said(that)she would buy some flowers for her mother.4 She said(that)she was answeri.

她教我们英语和她教我们的英语分别怎么说? “她教我们英语”和“她教我们的英语”在英文中都是一个意思,翻译为She teach us English.句子中是双宾语,us是间接宾语,English直接宾语。所以us不能替换为our。teach用法teach的基本意思是以训练或授课的方式“传授知识或技能”。可引申指“教书,教人,教学,授课”、“使某人学会做某事”、“以某事或某经验教训或教育某人”、“教训〔告诫〕某人别做某事”、“使…学习”、“做…的教师”等。teach既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动名词或从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其直接宾语可由名词、带疑问词的动词不定式或that/wh-从句充当;其间接宾语可转换为介词to的宾语。teach还可接由动词不定式或动名词充当补足语的复合宾语。teach后可接“sb+to-v”结构。作“教(导)某人做…”解时,动词不定式是宾语补足语;作“因做某事而教训某人”解时,动词不定式是原因状语,这时常与will连用。teach有时可用主动形式表达被动意义,常作“(课程等)被讲解”、“被教起来”解。扩展资料词汇解析1、teach英[ti?t?];美[ti?t?]vt.教;教导;教授;教训vi.给予指导例:I've been invited to teach Chinese at the 。

英语翻译 我们必须教我们的孩子理解和使用它英语

英语翻译 He treats me just like his own childthanks for your help,otherwise I wouldn't succeed

英语翻译 It's up to the parents to teach their kids the manners.Each of our class is eqiuped with a television now.It's wrong to dessert the waste water before it was turned clean.They turned the balcony into a study.He coverted the sofa into a bed.Having worked for the whole day,they wore out in the field.The shop supply what we need.Nowadays,the price of the cars go down on a large scale.The gap between the rich and the poor should be leveled off.


