

给我一段高中水平英语日常情景对话,超过20局越简单越好再提几个问题 给我一段高中水平英语日常情景对话,超过20局越简单越好再提几个问题 英文问路指路 A:Excuse me,Where am I on this map?B:We are here,bus station,we are in the heart 做翻译的前途在哪里? 我为英语专业的毕业生,英语是我的最爱,但是现实面前并不理想。其实没有简单的路,即便是高富帅创业也需…采访食堂问什么问题 你首先要确定你去采访的主题、目标、宗旨是什么。不过一般的问题我可以给你提供一些:一、食堂每日的工作流程是怎样的?二、食堂在菜的种类上是如何搭配?是否每天都添加新的菜种呢?三、据您看来,学生或者员工相对来说都喜欢吃哪一种菜呢?四、该食堂最大的特色菜是什么?五、食堂是怎样制定菜价的?六、食堂今后将如何制定为学生或者员工服务为宗旨的前景呢?采访人员:1.问你以前在哪个食堂任职过?2.问你以前主要负责食堂的什么工作内容?3.问你食堂的工作重点是什么?4.问你食堂的人员配置和如何进行管理的?5.问你食堂的采购环节是如何控制的?6.问你如何控制食堂的成本?7.问你如何经营好食堂?8.问你为何应聘这个职位?明天要和日语老师做一些会话,老师让我自己选择一个题目然后跟他对话,希望大家可以帮我翻译一下。 1、コンピューターの中に、好きな日本ブランド品はなんですか。2、お好きなパソコンゲームとか时间つぶしゲームなどがありますか。3、日本の科学技术の発展について、先生は何か见解がありますか。4、ハイテク机器の购入したことがありますか?看来,和老师会话之前你要带本电子辞典去了。不然,老师的回答可能会把你弄得一头雾水。翻译还有前景吗? 人工智能越来越强大,ai智能翻译软件数不胜数。人类还有必要把语言作为谋生的技能吗?求魔兽争霸中所有英雄的对话英文翻译 死亡骑士-(英雄,城镇中心)=建造音效=-The pact is sealed!契约已订!选定音效=-You called?你召唤我吗?My patience has ended!我的耐心已尽!I am the Darkness!翻译一段对话 谢谢 C:It's our turns in this group at last,I have been expecting very much all the time,very tense at this moment.W:Does not matter,5 minutes.C:W I think we should blow one name of association.W:Oh,right?What is made up?C:You are w,I am c,and WC.W:What,it is the toilet!C:WC has much meaning such as World Cup such as BEAUTIFUL CHINA or lets CW be made up,CW can be.W:All right let's begin presen ta tion of today quickly.C:OK,it is the interview today,W is an interview officer,I am an interview person.A:You look very desperate.B:How do you know I am desperate?A:The despair so grows into you,you are nothing worried?B:I look for a job,run into snags everywhere,walk head have distance,you Company take I?A:Your education are not high.B:Yes,but I think all the time,there are only people with people's difference,does not have difference between degree and degree.If you one person Niu,you undergraduate course graduate,it looks for a job to be can be very much outstanding;It can be capable 帮忙把下面这段关于未来的中文对话翻译成英语对话、急急急~~~在线等、 A:if we live in the next 50 years.B:why do you think so?A:because I am longing for the future,it must be very beautiful.B:but the future is difficult to predict,perhaps it would be very bad.A:I don't think so,I think that science and technology must be very rich.B:maybe that you imagine the future is what?A:I think the future must not go to school.B:I think maybe there will be online schools,but it may not be completely replace the traditional schools.A:okay.Rightness,there will still be intelligent robots.B:just like the science fiction movies?A:yes,and it can help you do A lot of things.B:but that man will eventually produced for robot,lose labor ability.A:no,I think people will have special forms of exercise.B:well,if so maybe people will live longer.A:yes,they are likely to an alien living.B:perhaps Mars is a good choice.A:yes.B:well,anyway,you want to say that all of the future is to develop good for?A:yeah,but will also have some bad,B:good to bad in 智能对话算法和推荐算法哪个更有前景? 智能对话方面,近两年处于风口,各厂疯狂出各种智能音箱、智能家居设备。但前景还是众说纷纭,有的人非常…在起点,第一人称对话比较多的小说有前景和写下去的必要吗? 1:大王饶命就是吐槽类,第一人称我写过几本书,比如蜀山…并不是什么大问题。

