抓狂 用英语怎么说 你把东西拿来了吗英语怎么说


你能给我一些礼物吗?用英语怎么说 英译bai:Could you please send me some presents/gifts?【详释】1.Could you please.?你du能.吗?“,是一种很有zhi礼貌的请求,比Can you.?句式dao,语气更版显得委婉。2.”给我“权:give me比send me更直接。3.”一些礼物“:some presents,或者some gifts.【知识拓展】表示请求的句型还有:Would you please.?请你…好吗?Will you.?请你…?Would you mind+doing…?你介意…吗?请你…可以吗?Would you like.?你愿意.吗?

\ I've just recieved what you posted to me.

让某人把东西带到什么地方上去用英语怎么说 Let sb take sth to some place.

你从海南带回什么东西了吗?拿英语怎么说? Did you bring something back from Hainan?祝学习进步O(∩_∩)O若有疑问欢迎追问,希望能和你一起探讨~满意请及时采纳,谢谢!

英语翻译 Look。There are two cats on the tree。Poor guys,they cannot get down.Let's help them.How?What can we do for them?We can use something to beat them.No,it could hurt。Don't worry,I won't hurt them.Ah,I missed.I want to climb the tree to catch them down.Watch out。You might fall down the tree.I have an idea.We can put some food under the tree.But they are might not hungry.I can ask them down by calling:Little baby,little baby.No way,they are climbing higher.What do the F-F men can do?They can put a blanket,but they might not jump down.They can use a ladder,but ladder might not be long enough.


让某人把东西带到什么地方上去用英语怎么说? take是“拿走”的意思,是把某物带到另外一个地方bring 是“带来”的意思,是把某物带到说话者的地方.

英语翻译 Two men were journeying together.One of them picked up an axe that lay upon the path,and said,\"I have found an axe.\"\"Nay,my friend,\"replied the other,\"do not say 'I,' but 'We' have found an axe.\"Th.

抓狂 用英语怎么说 你把东西拿来了吗英语怎么说


