英语翻译 我们正在讨论我们的新老师英语


一篇英文对话~~ 【老师和学生的英语对话】一篇英文对话~马上要考试了,我们剑桥英语的老师要我们做一个对话,我和我的搭档拿到的是“讨论一本有趣的书”要求是全英文的二人对话(废话),。

英语翻译 不用我们翻译 你去下载个 有道词典 到上搜去下载 翻译什么都不怕 如果你怕麻烦我就帮你翻译吧1 and in a telephone call in2,teach English3,teach us maths4 and talking about them5,to greet sbSay g.

英语翻译 【1】Our geography teacher told us that Japan lies to the east of China【2】Are they talking about where to go for class trip?【3】The largest hotel is located around 2.5 kilometers away from down.

因为我们的英语老师总是和我们讨论课外文学常识\ Because our teacher always talks literary knowledge out of class with us.希望能帮到你.如果满意,请采纳.谢谢!

英语翻译 1.What makes us happy is that he has been adapted to the new foreign life shortly.2.The teacher's appearence gave me the motivation to carry on with the experiment when I was about to gave up.3.If you.

英语翻译 He is the teacher who taught us maths three years ago.They are discussing the film they saw last week.The book I borrowed form him yesterday is very interesting.The man who is talking to our teacher is Xu Fei's father.This story reminds me of my hometown.I prefer playing football to playing basketball.

用英语翻译我们的学校的全体教师正在讨论怎样教育现在的学生 In our school,all staffs are talking about how to teach modern student.

英语翻译 我们正在讨论我们的新老师英语


