她打算去医院翻译 英语翻译


英语翻译 She will go to vist on his grandma next FridayWill you look your doctor tomorrow?When and which place will we meet?

英语翻译 1.我妈妈在这家医院当医生已经13年了my mother has been a doctor in this hospital for thirteen years2.我爷爷没有去过美国、我爸爸也没有去过my grandpa has never been to the US,neither has my father.3.我们都已经听说了他的故事all of us have heard about his story.4.他们打算6点起床,但结果是10点才起来they planed to get up at six,but it turned out to be ten.

“他马上去帮助她,并把她送去医院\\”用英语怎么翻译? He immediately went to help her and send her to the hospital

英语翻译 1 她将带她女儿去医院.She is going to take her daughter to the hospital.2 以后他打算做什么事?What is he going to do the day after tomorrow?3 我不准备和你们去钓鱼.I'm not going fishing with you.4 他们将.

你必须马上送她去医院?(take……to)的英文 You must take her to the hospital.

英语翻译 1.Mother wants me to send to the hospital to her purse.2.The Chinese New Year will come to let us buy a few candies to invite a friend.3.ThisCD is worth 50 dollars,so I have no enough money to buy it.

1他在一家很大的医院工作,她一直都在努力的学英语,他打算在我家暂住一周 He works in a large hospital.She keeps studying hardly.He plans to live in my house for a week.He is a student in normal university.

“你不用现在去医院.”这句话怎么翻译成英文? You neednt go to hospital now.You dont need to go to hospital now.第一句 need 情态动词第二句 need 行为动词放心,肯定对的

她打算去医院翻译 英语翻译

英语翻译 1.I have a bad cough,and I want to go to the hospital.2.Since most of the work for this week has been done,I hope to take a leave on Friday.3.I'll call the manager when I came out of the hospital.


