求写一篇英语作文,内容是学生自己组织到养老院慰问老人.字数在一百字左右. A seven day long holiday has flown away.Mourning my happy hours during the vacation,I've been looking forward to winter holidays.People around me seemed to have enjoyed the vacation,too.Then,is.
如何用英语慰问病人? 如果病人觉2113得不舒服,那么5261听到别人说4102\"How are you feeling?总是欣慰的。对于病情不严重1653的病人,说些专\"Take care of yourself\",\"Get well soon\",\"I hope you feel better soon\"之类的话语属也是合适的。
对白衣天使的慰问卡英语作文? 对白衣天使的慰问卡,用英语写作文就是thank 表达对他们的感激,希望他们平安归来,你将努力学习报效祖国 对白衣天使的慰问卡,用英语写。? 2020SOGOU.COM 京ICP证050897号
用英语怎样写慰问卡?? Merry Christas and happy New Year
初中英语小作文:慰问信、贺卡 请提供具体格式, Dear(),(正文)Yours,(署名)
谁可以帮我写一篇英文的慰问信,内容不限..100-200字即可..谢谢 MIKe听说Bob因病住院了,他认为Bob应该查出病因。他希望Bob看到他信时已经好多了,并祝他很快痊愈。以MIKe的名义给BOb写封慰问信 Dear Bob,I am very sorry to hear that 。