英语翻译 in a minutehad givenlearn better英语翻译 I am LiHua,I am a high school student.I like studying very much,but I am not sure the differences between the British and the American English.Some students say I am speaking the American the others say I am speaking the British English.I want to know which language I am speaking as well as the differences between them.Ms Mary,could you please write back to me and explain it?Thanks for your help.英语翻译 1.I would like to learn swimming in this summer2.I hope my parents will work well in the new year.3.I will try hard to study this term4.I want to have a puppy as the new year gift英语翻译 I want to find an American who can speak Chinese to teach me how to learn英语翻译 My mother engaged a teacher to teach me piano.The teacher says I have the talent so in the beginning,I practiced very diligently at home.As a result,I became better and was able to play a full son.英语翻译 1,I want to learn to play the guitar.2,my father is good at chess.3,Jane likes to play tennis at the weekend.4,these days I was busy and new friends.5,my mother often told me to learn wel.英语翻译 1.His mother went to the aquarium twice.Me too.2 I have never visited museum,do you?3 They intend to go to the zoo next subway,but I'm going to go skating.4.Why do you learn Because I want to learn to speak in the country.Five.When I grow up,I want to be an guide.6 when an air pilots,the most important is the necessary condition to speak well.7.When I graduate,I consider as an exchange student from a writer.8.Singapore is a country where the language is training place.英语翻译 I want to learn from you英语翻译 o,原来来如此,那就是:I do worry a little about how good you are【我确实对你这么好还不升班而感到一丝忧虑.】应该是他认为你很好,不升班很担心吧.如果依然不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,英语翻译 1 Starting from next week,I will no longer go to school and stay at home.2 That's why I wasn't able to attend your class.3 I wll go to Hangzhou to learn the week after next.4 May I ask whether you will return to the USA or go to another country when/after your visa is expired?5 Very long ago when you didn't know who I was,I asked you how long you would stay here,and you said your visa had one-year validity.
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