英语翻译 写给我曾经的男朋友英语


用英语说一段情话给男朋友 Do you understand the feeling of missing someone?It is just like that you will spend a long 1 hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears。.

英语翻译英语怎么说,说给我男朋友的 说给我男朋友英文翻译_Say to my boyfriend

英语翻译 写给我曾经的男朋友英语

\ I am not singel.我不是单身。I got a boyfriend.我已经有男朋友了。

我的男朋友用英语怎么说? 英语是2113my boyfriend。[例句]I split up with my boyfriend last year.我去年和男友分手了。详细解释:5261my 英[ma?]美[ma?]adj.我的(I的所有格形式);int.啊呀4102;天啊;[例句1653]I invited him back to my flat for a coffee我邀请他回我的公寓喝杯咖啡。boyfriend 英[?b??frend]美[?b???fr?nd]n.男朋友;情郎;[例句]I don't know if she's got a boyfriend or not.我不知道她有没有男朋友。

英语翻译 还有很多好男人,再找一个意思是天下何处无芳草,呵呵

英语翻译 How many men have you been with?这是地道的美语口语表达法,其他的都是直译,Chinglish


男朋友的英文怎么写 男朋友2113的英文翻译是boyfriend。boyfriend英5261[?b??frend]美[?b???fr?nd]n.男朋友;情郎扩展资料1、She had attended an interview,at her boyfriend's insistence.在男4102友的坚持下,她去参加了一个面试1653。2、My boyfriend was threatening to finish with me男友威胁说要和我分手。3、She's being menaced by her sister's latest boyfriend.她正受到姐姐最近一个男友的恐吓。4、Joan was delighted to welcome her boyfriend into the bosom of her large,close-knit family.琼十分高兴地欢迎她的男朋友加入她亲密无间的大家庭。5、If I stay in my boyfriend cooks a wonderful lasagne or chicken or steak如果我呆在家里,男友就会做可口的卤汁面条啦、鸡肉啦,或者牛排。

我已经有男朋友了用英语口语怎么说 I'm already dating someone.I already have a boyfriend.I'm already taken.I'm already in a relationship.I'm already going out with someone.Someone already asked me out.上面的随便哪句都行。而且很日常口语化.


