


“我也是这么认为的”用英语怎么说? I can't agree more(较好)I think soI agree with you totally

我不想这样,但是没有办法.用英语怎么说 I don't want to do this,but I have no other choice.I don't want it this way,but I have no other choice.

“我也想” 英文怎么说 我也想的英文:I also want、I would love to 一、I also want also: 英[??:ls??]美[??:lso?] adv.也;同样;并且 conj.另外 1、I also want to see yours. 。

你要的也不是像我这样的英语怎么说 你要的也不是像我这样的英语翻译过来可以这么说:You're not going to be like me,见下图翻译

我也是这样想的英语怎么说 \

我也是这样想的 英文怎么说 I think so too

“我也是这么认为的”用英语怎么说? i think so too我也2113这么认为例句:1、I think so too.I've been late for work twice this month.我也这么想。这个5261月我已经迟到两次4102了。2、I think so too.Look,here comes his crush。我也这么觉得。瞧,他的暗恋对1653象不是来了!3、I think so,too.I'm really looking forward to it.我也这么认为。我真期待着这一天。重点词汇:too读音:英[tu:]美[tu:]adv.太;也;很;非常扩展资料:反义句I Don't Think So我不这么认为例句:1、I don't think so,thank you.我想不必了,谢谢你。2、They say it's going to snow this weekend,but I don't think so.他们说这周末要下雪了我不这样认为。3、I hope so,but I don't think so.我希望如此。但我可不是这么想的。

英语翻译 我也不想这样I also don't want to be like this我的心里也是非常痛苦。My heart is filled with misery too。

我也是这么想的 和她一样英文怎么说 I think so,too.Same as her.I agree with herI have the same idea as her.We have the same idea.


