初一几个英语语法没熟练. 问问团队Justin.黛很高兴收到您的求助.因为在上学,所以耽误了一下,不好意思.1.It is often snowy in our city.2.It is often windy in this city.3.In Bwijing,it is often windy in spring.4 In Chengdu,it is often rainy heavily.如若回答不完整,欢迎追问。
成都这边冬天会不会下雪? 很少会下雪的。这几天才下过两次小雪
英文翻。好象要下雪了.it seems开头的 It seems to be snow.各位,你们给出错误答案还不如不要给呀.
成都今年冬天会下雪吗? 根据气象分析 现在的科技还没那么发达 所以还没测出来 按地理位置来说成都在0度等温线以南,在一般情况下不会下雪,在特殊情况下还是会的。
今天成都下雪了,朋友你们那儿下了吗? 没下雪,天气挺好的
英语翻译 This week Chengdu has had the very greatly very big snow,first time saw the pure white snow in own hometown,in the heart to have the happiness which planted cannot say,listened to the grandmother they to say,Chengdu already had several years not to snow,our this generation really was the unusual misfortune,both surmounted for 1000 years,and saw the Chengdu rare time snow.Although afterwards said was the snow disaster,but,I am very happy,after all,the such beautiful snow,may the so real appearance in mine front,lie down in mine control.