英语翻译 你妹妹正在找什么呢英语


用英语翻译 Good morning,my sister,and tell us your opinion about my work,so that you can know more about me,I am a senior high school the third grade students,before and 。

“妹妹”用英文怎么说? “妹妹”用英文表示2113为:sister。“妹妹”用5261英文还可以表示为:41021、Younger sister;2、Little sister。“sister”读作:['s?st?]。当“1653sister”做名词时,解释为:姐妹、(称志同道合者)姐妹、修女、护士;当“sister”做形容词时,解释为:姐妹般的、同类型的。扩展资料英语中如何表达亲属关系:直系血缘关系表达:1、father,mother(父&母);2、son,daughter(子&女);3、brother,sister(亲兄弟/姐妹,必须是同父同母);4、grandfather,grandmother(祖/外祖父&母);5、grandson,granddaughter(孙/外孙子&女);6、great-grandfather,great-grandmother(曾祖/外祖父&母);7、great-grandson,great-granddaughter(曾孙/外孙子&女)。非血缘关系表达:1、stepfather,stepmother(继父/母));2、stepson,stepdaughter(继子/女);3、stepbrother,stepsister(继兄弟/姐妹);4、adopted son,adopted daughter(收养子/女)。亲缘关系表达:1、uncle(伯伯、叔叔、舅舅、姑父、姨父等);2、aunt(姑姑、姨妈、婶婶、舅妈等);3、nephew(侄子、外甥等);4、niece(侄女、外甥女等);5、cousin(堂/表兄弟姐妹,也就是uncle或。

重点句型与语法。 1.What did2.played;on3.studying for4.What about going


歌词英文是妹妹啦骚,挺嗨的歌 哥哥妹妹 词曲:张国平 编曲:萧全 混音:小岛洪海 监制、出品人:赵峰 演唱:门丽&胡小宝应该是这首 把?听着还可以,刚在一威信 每晚睡前音乐 那搜的,要不是这首,。

英语翻译 34页1、I have a lot of books—注意复数2、He have a brother and a sister—复数3、Let him sing an song—单数4、Are those tigers?No,they are the Lions.5、What is that?That is a cow.35页1、They are going to visit their parents next week.2、His sister can speak Chinese,but it can not speak French.—时态问题3、The baby did not cry last night.—没有错4、Yesterday morning I was reading this book.—过去式5、Our classroom is clean and bright.36页1、The development of western China is very important.—意思对了…2、You should use the correct approach to start a conversation.3、When I was repairing trucks,he was painting.4、The father told us the story.5、She came earlier than yesterday morning.38页1、These universities have the right to award degrees.2、Many young people have the chance to go to college.3、Many college students come from poor families,was been force to become a waiter at night.4、These children are very promising in music.5、Do not complain about the。

英语翻译 你妹妹正在找什么呢英语


英语翻译 1.I'm looking for my dictionary2.I found my glasses on bed3.Must clean up doss after getting up4.Can you help me carry these books?

你要去干什么?我要找看我妹妹。用英语怎么说? What are you going to do?I am babysitting my younger sister



